DamienG's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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San Jose, California

Santana Row Chess Plaza

A giant chess set, minus the psychedelic drug trip.
Squamish, British Columbia

Stawamus Chief

As you overlook the Howe Sound and the town of Squamish, your breath will be taken away by its beauty or the stairs... probably all the stairs.
North Vancouver, British Columbia

Capilano Suspension Bridge

This expansive bridge in the Canadian wilderness was originally just built for friends.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Science World Station

The ruins of Vancouver's abandoned heritage railway.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Girl in a Wetsuit'

What happens when a sculptor has to find a way around a 100-year-old copyright.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Giants' on Granville Island Silos

The colorful, smiling concrete silos of Vancouver.
Mont Saint-Michel, France

Mont Saint-Michel

This 1,300 year old monastery built atop a single rock was once only accessible depending on the whims of the tide.
Saint Peter Port, Guernsey

Castle Cornet

An 800-year-old island castle in Guernsey's main harbor.

German Military Underground Hospital

Underground hospital complex constructed by slave laborers during the German occupation of the Channel Islands.
Les Vauxbelets, Guernsey

The Little Chapel

An intricately decorated tiny place of worship.
Bristol, England

The Observatory & Camera Obscura

The Bristol Camera Obscura housed in an ancient windmill.
Seattle, Washington

Ballard Bridge

Granting the right of way to ships over surface traffic since 1917.
Seattle, Washington

Hammering Man

This working class sculpture pounds his hammer all the livelong day.
Seattle, Washington

Evergreen Point Floating Bridge

The longest and widest floating bridge in the world.
Seattle, Washington

Mox Boarding House

A busy cafe better known for board games than food.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Bridge

From a neon Rapunzel to a bike traffic meter to a street fair color scheme, the most opened drawbridge in the US is a veritable art gallery.
Seattle, Washington

Lake View Cemetery

A beautiful final resting place for some of the noteworthy deceased.
Seattle, Washington

Freeway Park

The first park built over a freeway is a brutalist masterwork.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.
Seattle, Washington

Gas Works Park

This former coal gasification plant found a curious second life as a popular public park.
Seattle, Washington

Kubota Garden

This semi-secret garden in south Seattle emulates a traditional Japanese garden using the plants of the Pacific Northwest.
Seattle, Washington

Museum of Pop Culture

A museum dedicated to the history and exploration of both popular music and science fiction.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle Underground

A walk through the historic city center, under the streets of Seattle.
Seattle, Washington

Fremont Troll

A giant Troll lurks under one of Seattle's oldest bridges.