Abandoned Ducor Hotel – Monrovia, Liberia - Atlas Obscura

Abandoned Ducor Hotel

Empty since 1989, now falling into ruin. 


Once operated by Intercontinental Hotels, this hotel was abandoned in 1989 due to political uncertainty just before the coup and first civil war.

Due to looting and locals taking up residence in the hotel through the years, the hotel is dilapidated and dangers exist throughout. However, able-bodied individuals should be able to navigate the stairways without too much trouble, and the sight from the rooftop - giving a full panoramic view of Monrovia - easily merits the effort.

When the security staff ask you for a “small thing” to enter, just let them know you’re a teacher, Peace Corps volunteer, etc. and they should let you in - and likely escort you through - for two or three dollars.

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