daftspunk's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bucharest, Romania

Monument to the Heroes of the Air

This sculpture used famed boxer Joe Louis as the inspiration behind its body.
Bucharest, Romania

Memorial of Rebirth

This memorial to the victims of the Romanian Revolution of 1989 is often compared to a potato on a skewer.
Bucharest, Romania

Arcul de Triumf

Romania's triumphal arch looks out over Bucharest.
Bucharest, Romania

Palace of the Parliament

This communist behemoth is the heaviest building in the world and a legacy of a brutal regime.
Bran, Romania

Bran Castle

The possible imprisonment of Vlad the Impaler here earned the medieval castle its nickname, "Dracula's Castle."
Bezidu Nou, Romania

Flooded Village of Bezidu Nou

This Romanian village may have been drowned, but it is long from forgotten.
Toronto, Ontario

Toronto Neighbourhood Watch Signs

The Incredible Hulk, Yoda, Mulder and Scully, and many many others watch over the mean streets of Toronto.
Toronto, Ontario

Cube House

This unusual structure may be on its way to becoming a cultural landmark in Toronto.
Courtenay, British Columbia

Royston Shipwrecks

At least 14 twice-retired ships were sunk to make a lovely rusting breakwater in Comox Harbour.
Toronto, Ontario

The Monkey's Paw

A book collector's dream, this Toronto bookstore has the world's first "Biblio-Mat," a random book vending machine.
Dakar, Senegal

The Great Green Wall of Africa

Over 4,700 miles of trees being planted to hold back the desert.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Tiger Tops

Former host to the World Elephant Polo Championships.
Ramree, Myanmar (Burma)

Ramree Island

The island that holds the world-record for largest human massacre caused by animals.