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London, England

Michael Faraday Memorial

Shiny Brutalist box commemorates a pioneer of electricity and houses a railway transformer.
London, England

The 'Scribble'

A giant scrawl on the skyline of south London.
Canterbury, England

Geoffrey Chaucer Statue

Inspired by Thomas Stothard's painting of the "Journey to Canterbury," albeit with Canterbury natives.
Canterbury, England

The Rook in the Red Coat

This strangely dressed taxidermy creature has a heartbreaking story.
Canterbury, England

Crooked House

This skewed English house has looked like it's going to fall over for centuries.
Dover, England

Dover Castle

One of the few standing Roman lighthouses and a labyrinth of tunnels are a couple of the secrets at this historic castle.
London, England

The Soho Square Hut

The Tudor-style cottage in the middle of the square is not quite what it seems.
London, England

Elfin Oak

This ancient oak plays host to carvings of magical elves, gnomes, witches, and other creatures prominent in local folklore.
London, England

Victoria and Albert Museum WWII Battle Scars

The pockmarks across the building's facade are remnants of the Blitz.
London, England

Queen Mary's Garden

The rose garden in Regent's Park where Pongo and Perdita met for the first time in Disney's "101 Dalmatians."
London, England

Anaesthesia Heritage Centre

This knockout museum lies in a sleepy corner of London.
London, England

Benedict Arnold's London Residence

A commemorative plaque at the door pays tribute to an "American Patriot" known for his betrayal.
London, England

Tyburn Tree Marker

Never actually a tree at all, this spot was the site of London's public hangings for nearly 600 years.
London, England

York Water Gate

These ornate arches show how the course of the River Thames has changed.
London, England

Trafalgar Square Imperial Measurements

These official units of measurement—including chains and perches—lie hidden beneath tourists' feet in a popular London hub.
London, England

Charing Cross Mural

The medieval woodcut-style artwork chronicles life in medieval London.
London, England

London's Lilliputian Police Station

London's smallest police station is barely the size of a phone booth.
London, England

Smith Square World War II Ghost Sign

A faded reminder of what was once a common sight in London during the Blitz.
London, England

Ernest Shackleton Statue

The famous polar explorer stands outside the Royal Geographical Society's headquarters.
Bath, England

Pulteney Weir

This picturesque horseshoe weir was first built in the 1600s to prevent flooding in the town of Bath.
Wiltshire, England

The Skeletons of Stonehenge

Ancient human remains unearthed around the iconic monument.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Windsor, England

'The Queen' Locomotive

A replica of the steam engine that hauled Queen Victoria's Royal Train is on display at Windsor.
London, England

Temple Bar Memorial Dragon

The fierce beast perches atop a pedestal marking where the historic City of London gates once stood.