HannahT's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Rapa Nui, Chile
Places added to Antigua and Barbuda
Places edited in Antigua and Barbuda
Places visited in Abuja, Nigeria
Places visited in Madagascar
Places edited in Leeds, England
Places visited in Bahrain
Places visited in Antigua and Barbuda
Places visited in Caesarea, Israel
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Cape Town, South Africa

Time Ball Tower

A 19th-century relic of timekeeping.
Merselo, Netherlands

De Ballonzuil

In the middle of a forest you can find the first landing place of an air balloon in the Netherlands.
Romangordo, Spain

Trampantojo Art of Romangordo

This small Spanish village is home to dozens of public paintings meant to trick the eye.
Cáceres, Spain

Torre de las Cigüeñas (Tower of the Storks)

The tallest tower in Cáceres's Old Town.
Cáceres, Spain

The 'Astronaut' of Casar

A strange anthropomorphic stele with a mysterious inscription that has never been deciphered.
Cáceres, Spain

Moorish Cistern of Cáceres

The largest medieval water tank on the Iberian Peninsula is preserved beneath the Cáceres Museum.
Cáceres, Spain

Don Alvaro Alley

Fragments of human bones are embedded in the walls of this quaint alley.
London, England

The Meeting Place

This sculpture encompasses the emotion of rail travel.
London, England

Wellington Arch

Once designed as the entrance to Buckingham Palace, this structure was later relocated and stands as a victory arch.
Chimadi, Nepal

Barju Taal

This hand-built lake system has become a haven for birds.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Kumari Ghar

A brick building in Kathmandu's Durbar Square is home to Nepal's most prominent living goddess.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu Durbar Square

This historic square in Nepal is home to temples dating back to the third century.
Kathmandu, Nepal

The Garden of Dreams

This elegant neoclassical garden is a peaceful oasis in the middle of the Nepalese capital.
Kathmandu, Nepal

The Toothache Tree

Nailing a coin to this holy stump is just another way to ask the gods for relief from dental pain.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Boudhanath Stupa

One of the largest Buddhist stupas in the world keeps an eye out in every direction.
Bhaktapur, Nepal

Nyatapola Temple

Towering at a height of over 30 meters, this turn-of-the-18th-century landmark is the tallest temple in Nepal.
Bhaktapur, Nepal

Bhaktapur Durbar Square

The former stronghold of the Malla Dynasty has remained virtually unchanged since the 17th century.
Changunarayan, Nepal

Changu Narayan

Dating back to the fourth century, it's the oldest Hindu temple still in use in the Kathmandu Valley.
Kathmandu, Nepal

The Pashupatinath Temple

The oldest Hindu temple complex in Nepal serves as the seat of Nepal’s national deity, Lord Pashupatinath.
Kathmandu, Nepal

Maitighar Mandala

Hiding in plain sight near Kathmandu’s government center is a giant mandala that has become a locus for political protest.
Pokhara, Nepal

Gurkha Memorial Museum

This institution honors Nepal’s most storied warriors.
Pokhara, Nepal

International Mountain Museum

A museum with a window view of the Himalayas and an on-site climbing wall.
Bhardaha, Nepal

Koshi Barrage

This structure, built more than 60 years ago to manage devastating seasonal floods, is known to attract a rare species of freshwater dolphin.
Bairawa, Nepal

Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve

Nepal’s last remaining population of wild water buffalo and many other rare species call this reserve home.