balletmecanique's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Parma, Italy
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Ljubljana, Slovenia

Termoelektrarna Toplarna Ljubljana

Colorful power station with a chimney equipped with a gallery for exhaust monitoring equipment.
Thessaloniki, Greece

Bensousan Han

An artistic melting pot inside an old roadside inn from the Ottoman era.
Bucharest, Romania

Cărturești Carusel Bookstore

This once-derelict building is now one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world.
Milan, Italy

Monumental Cemetery of Milan

Artistic tombs, monuments, and a beautiful "Hall of Fame" lurk inside this cemetery.
Milan, Italy

The Devil's Column

The mark of the Devil's horns on a marble column in Milan.
Milan, Italy

Shoah Memorial of Milan

The train platform where Jews were sent to concentration camps is now preserved as a Holocaust memorial.
Milan, Italy

Santa Maria presso San Satiro

Small on the outside, big on the inside, this church is an astonishing act of visual deception.
Ferrara, Italy

Palazzo dei Diamanti

This Renaissance palace features a unique architectural design and is now home to the Ferrara National Art Gallery.
Vienna, Austria

Ungarisches Haus (Hungarian House)

The townhouse where the "Blood Countess" Elizabeth Báthory started her murderous career.
Vienna, Austria

"Stock-im-Eisen" Nail Tree

Legends surround an ancient tree trunk riddled with nails for good luck.
Vienna, Austria

Wolf and Cow Playing Backgammon Mural

A silly medieval mural preserved on the side of a Viennese house.
Vienna, Austria

Museum of Contraception and Abortion

This museum promotes informed contraception by documenting its often secret past.
Vienna, Austria

Wiener Pestsäule (Vienna Plague Column)

Baroque celebration of the end of the Great Plague of Vienna.
Vienna, Austria

Schmetterlinghaus: The Imperial Butterfly Park

A tropical paradise just a short trip from the opera house is filled with beautiful winged creatures.
Vienna, Austria

Habsburg Imperial Crypt

The final resting place for the remains of 143 Habsburg royalty.
Budapest, Hungary

Zero Kilometer Stone

The geographical center of Budapest is marked with a 10-foot-tall stylized zero.
Budapest, Hungary

Michael Jackson Memorial Tree

A random tree outside a Budapest hotel has become a DIY shrine to the late singer.
Budapest, Hungary

Béla Lugosi Bust at Vajdahunyad Castle

Late at night, the bust of the "Dracula" actor was snuck onto the facade of this Budapest castle.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Castle Hill Funicular

Built in 1870 at the bridge that connected Buda and Pest, this spectacular incline railway was almost lost forever during World War II.
Budapest, Hungary

Panoptikum Budapest

A series of caves under Castle Hill that once held the prisoner Vlad Tepes, better known as Count Dracula.
Budapest, Hungary

Szabo Ervin Library

A 19th century artistocrat's mansion, turned into a library, hidden in a modern library.
Berlin, Germany

Marx and Engels Forum

One of downtown Berlin's last reminders of its Communist past.
Berlin, Germany

Vestiges of the Berlin Wall

On the Spree bank, discover one of the last reminders of a symbolic wall that divided, and was torn down by the people.
Berlin, Germany

The DDR Museum

A fascinating insight into daily life in the Eastern Bloc.