Deano's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dresden, Germany

Grünes Gewölbe (Green Vault)

The largest treasure hoard in Europe is contained in a castle that was bombed out during World War II.
Jensen, Utah

Quarry Exhibit Hall

Inside this striking glass building, visitors can see thousands of dinosaur fossils in the positions that nature deposited them more than 150 million years ago.
Warsaw, Poland

Mały Powstaniec (The Little Insurrectionist)

A statue honors the children who fought Nazis in Poland.
Anaheim, California


The lead horse on a Disneyland merry-go-round that is older than the park itself.
Collingwood, Australia


A train car sitting on a rooftop makes an unlikely and picturesque setting for dinner.
Melbourne, Australia

Adnate Collingwood Mural

This 20-story artwork on a public housing block is the tallest mural in the Southern Hemisphere and tells the story of a community.
Melbourne, Australia

Foy & Gibson Factory

The Collingwood production facility for a department store that was among the largest and earliest in Australia.
Baltimore, Maryland

One Calvert Plaza

Baltimore's first skyscraper may be home to the inspiration behind pulp fiction's most celebrated bird.
Ottawa, Ontario

Ottawa Jail Hostel

This inexpensive lodging house was once a prison notorious for its inhumane practices.
Sillamäe, Estonia


This Soviet-era "closed town" was a top secret uranium producer often left off of maps.
Budapest, Hungary

Air Defense Early Warning Listening Ears

A relic of World War I that now exist as a piece of public art.
Budapest, Hungary

Mátyás Fountain

A triumphant marble and bronze fountain depicting a 15th-century Hungarian king and his hunting party.
Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Castle Hill Funicular

Built in 1870 at the bridge that connected Buda and Pest, this spectacular incline railway was almost lost forever during World War II.
Miami, Oklahoma

Coleman Theatre

This historic theater's pipe organ still accompanies silent films just like it did in 1929.
Ponca City, Oklahoma

Pioneer Woman Statue

A larger-than-life monument to the overlooked women who braved Western expansion and broke down societal barriers.
Huntsville, Texas

Sam Houston Statue

The world's tallest statue of an American hero.
Shreveport, Louisiana

Once in a Millennium Moon Mural

One of the largest publicly funded mural in the country is one city's love letter to itself.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

45th Infantry Museum

A museum honoring Oklahoma military service, where you can look into Hitler's mirror and see a Mickey Mouse gas mask.
Karnack, Texas

Caddo Lake

Foragers once flocked to this big beautiful bayou to hunt for pearls.
Lawton, Oklahoma

Wichita Mountains Buffalo Herd

American bison herd descending directly from a Bronx Zoo breeding program that saved the species from extinction.
Cache, Oklahoma

Holy City of the Wichitas

This little slice of old Jerusalem in Oklahoma is the evolution of a 90 year old passion play.
Lawton, Oklahoma

Fort Sill

Final resting place of Geronimo, Quanah Parker, and the first atomic gun ever fired.
Wichita Falls, Texas

Newby-McMahon Building

World's smallest skyscraper, the product of a remarkable con.
Bowie, Texas

World’s Largest Bowie Knife

A town pays homage to its namesake.