flashnick's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Astoria, Oregon

Flavel House Museum

You might recognize this historic Oregon mansion from its appearance in 'The Goonies.'
Three Forks, Montana

Missouri Headwaters State Park

The source of America's longest river is also a historical landmark and the start of a famous nude run.
West Alton, Missouri

Jones Confluence Point State Park

Stand at the point where the two mightiest rivers in the United States converge.
Ronks, Pennsylvania

Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania

A huge railroad museum with over 100 pieces of rolling stock focusing on the railroad history of Pennsylvania.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Minnehaha Falls

This small, but beautiful waterfall has attracted visits from artists, composers, and two United States presidents.
Ashland, Pennsylvania

Ashland Mother's Memorial

A eight-foot-tall statue resides in the heart of Pennsylvania anthracite coal country.
Bloomfield, New Jersey

Holsten's Brookdale Confectionery

This old-fashioned candy shop, ice cream parlor, and diner served as the setting for one of TV's most controversial series finales.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Water Gardens

A modernist landscape of water and sci-fi concrete.
Scottsboro, Alabama

Unclaimed Baggage Center

One person's lost luggage is another person's treasure.
Enterprise, Alabama

Boll Weevil Monument

Monument to the cotton-destroying boll weevil.
DeFuniak Springs, Florida

Britton Hill

The highest point in Florida is still the lowest high point in the country.
Pensacola Beach, Florida

Pensacola Futuro House

Pensacola's UFO home has withstood many hurricanes—just as the experimental 1960s design intended.
New York, New York

Giant Needle and Button

There must be a pun in this haystack somewhere...
New York, New York

New Yorker Hotel

The New York hotel where tragic visionary Nikola Tesla spent his final hours, destitute and alone but for the pigeons.
New York, New York

African Elephants Diorama

This magnificent herd of stampeding elephants has been frozen in time for over a century.
New York, New York

Komodo Dragon Diorama

Here be dragons.
New York, New York

Sambar and Wild Dog Diorama

This taxidermy scene brings the struggle for survival in the Indian jungle to a quiet corner of a Manhattan museum.
New York, New York

Libyan Desert Diorama

This poignant display is now a memorial to these regionally extinct species.
New York, New York

Asiatic Leopard Diorama

One of the most dazzling dioramas at the American Museum of Natural History is also one of the oldest.
New York, New York

Okapi Taxidermy Diorama

This impressive scene portrays the elusive forest giraffe of Central Africa.
New York, New York

Scavenger Taxidermy Diorama

This morbid scene depicts the Darwinian drama of death on the African savannah.
New York, New York

Gorilla Diorama

Creating this diorama spurred naturalist Carl Akeley to begin advocating to protect the apes.
New York, New York

Indian Rhinoceros Diorama

An eerie diorama that captures the majestic nature of a few prehistoric-looking beasts.
New York, New York

The New York Earth Room

A room in New York City that contains 250 cubic yards of dirt worth a million dollars.