bethrolfe's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb's Museum of Broken Relationships

Where the lovelorn find a home for their sentimental keepsakes.
Bristol, England

Pero's Bridge

This pedestrian footbridge honors Pero Jones, an enslaved African who lived in Bristol.
Bristol, England

Lollipop Be-Bop

A plaque claims this artwork outside a children's hospital was used in the 1998 Quidditch World Cup.
Bristol, England

Bristol Museum Natural History Collection

It houses a menagerie of wondrous taxidermy specimens from around the world, including the remains of a famous gorilla.
Bristol, England

'Well Hung Lover'

Banksy's image of a naked man dangling from the window of a sex health clinic.
Bath, England

Sally Lunn's

This restaurant's specialty is "a major enigma for food historians."
Bath, England

Pulteney Weir

This picturesque horseshoe weir was first built in the 1600s to prevent flooding in the town of Bath.
Bath, England

Sham Castle

Don't be fooled by this fake medieval facade even if it is almost 300 years old.
Bath, England

Herschel Museum of Astronomy

Eighteenth-century home, where Herschel discovered the planet Uranus.
Bath, England

Botanical Gardens of Bath

With lush plants and flowers, huge trees, ponds, and hidden monuments, this place feels a bit like discovering Narnia.
Bradford-on-Avon, England

Town Bridge & Lock-up

This bridge later moonlighted as a local jail.
Devizes, England

Devizes Market Cross

The plaques around this 19th-century structure recall some rather strange tales.
Rowde, England

Caen Hill Locks

This section of the Kennet and Avon Canal has been designated the same level of heritage protection as Stonehenge.
Malmesbury, England

Malmesbury Abbey Musket Damage

Scars from the English Civil War mar this medieval sanctuary.
Malmesbury, England

King Aethelstan's Tomb

The last known resting place of the king who united England.
Box, England

Box Tunnel Entrance

The designer of this railway tunnel added a birthday present for himself.