annamelis77's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Tokyo, Japan

Nishi-Rokugō Park

Watch out for the two-story Godzilla made out of tires.
Kyoto, Japan

Yasui Kompira-gu Shrine

Crawl through the hole in the middle of this stone to break off a bad relationship or initiate a good one.
Kyoto, Japan

Nishiki Market

This 700-year-old street food market features baby octopus and soy donuts.
Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto Station's Skyway

View Japan's most historic city from a cyberpunk walkway suspended 150 feet above the ground.
Kyoto, Japan

Ichijo Modoribashi Bridge

The “bridge of return” is haunted by a myriad of legends, from ghosts to demons to nuptial superstitions.
Kyoto, Japan

Kamo River Turtle Stepping Stones

These turtle-shaped concrete stepping stones provide a unique river crossing in central Kyoto.
Kyoto, Japan

Yamaboko Festival in Kyoto - Gion Festival

Japan's largest and oldest annual procession of floats, begun in 869.
Kyoto, Japan

Rokuon-ji Temple

This 14th-century temple is also known as the "Temple of the Golden Pavilion" for its gorgeous gilded reliquary hall.
Oslo, Norway

Norwegian Museum of Magic

A small collection of magic tricks and memorabilia is now an apartment-sized museum.
Oslo, Norway


Oslo's historic toboggan run has been letting thrill seekers slide from train stop to train stop for over a century.
Mexico City, Mexico

Xoloitzcuintles of the Dolores Olmedo Museum

A small pack of an ancient, hairless breed of dog once believed to guide souls through the underworld lives on its grounds.
Mexico City, Mexico

The Sweets Section at Mercado de la Merced

Mexico City's largest market contains a Willy Wonka-esque wonderland.