mrbook's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Boston, Massachusetts

Faneuil Hall

A former waterfront market is now in the center of town due to some interesting Boston engineering.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of Boston's First Bell

The first bell ever cast in Boston was cast by Paul Revere...and sounded terrible.
Boston, Massachusetts

Bunker Hill Monument

This monument on Breed's Hill proves that one of the most famous battles of the Revolutionary War is misnamed.
Boston, Massachusetts

Old North Church

The site of Paul Revere's historic two lantern warning.
Boston, Massachusetts

USS Constitution

Berthed at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston, "Old Ironsides" is the oldest commissioned warship still afloat.
Boston, Massachusetts

Site of the Boston Massacre

The American Revolution was galvanized into serious action due to the tragic clash with British soldiers that occurred at this location.
Boston, Massachusetts

Forest Hills Cemetery

A beautiful Victorian-era cemetery, complete with a miniature village.
London, England

Wellington Arch

Once designed as the entrance to Buckingham Palace, this structure was later relocated and stands as a victory arch.
London, England

Speakers' Corner

London's last remaining public soapbox site has seen speeches from Karl Marx, Vladmir Lenin, and George Orwell.
London, England

Paddington Bear Statue

After nearly 60 years, there's still a bear at Paddington Station looking for help.
London, England

The Sherlock Holmes Museum

This London pub hides a peculiar secret: a recreation of the rooms shared at 221b Baker Street by Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
London, England

221b Baker Street

The popularity of Sherlock Holmes led to the creation of his fictional address, turning the orderly London street numbers askew.
Wiltshire, England


The first archaeological site discovered by aerial photography.
Wiltshire, England

The Cuckoo Stone

This neolithic stone was once used for ceremonial practices similar to its neighbor Stonehenge.
Wiltshire, England


Famously misunderstood wonder of the ancient world
Milford, Pennsylvania

Grey Towers

One of the U.S. Forest Service's only mansions is outfitted with a dinner table for floating food.
West Orange, New Jersey

Thomas Edison National Historical Park

Take a step into the workshop where Edison and his employees revolutionized the world.
Carlstadt, New Jersey

The Meadowlands

Infamous marsh filled with toxic waste, World War II-era London rubble, and dead mobsters galore.
Jersey City, New Jersey

The Colgate Clock

On the Hudson resides one of the largest clocks in the world.
Paterson, New Jersey

Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park

In the power of this waterfall, Alexander Hamilton saw the potential for industry.
Wantage, New Jersey

High Point Monument

The highest point in New Jersey is marked by a massive, if simply named, obelisk.
Stanhope, New Jersey

Waterloo Village

Historic town settled in the 19th century because of its convenient location along a popular coal transport route.
Asbury Park, New Jersey

Asbury Park Casino and Carousel House

Vacant Beaux-Arts buildings that serve as reminders of a beach town’s glory days.
Weehawken, New Jersey

Weehawken Dueling Grounds

The boulder on which Alexander Hamilton laid his head as he died can still be visited on the New Jersey coast.