bfroden's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Malacca, Malaysia

Baba & Nyonya Heritage Museum

This gorgeous Peranakan mansion’s family heritage includes a century-old baby gate, which was also used to keep out irresponsible husbands.
Malacca, Malaysia

A Famosa

Built by the Portuguese colonists in the early 16th century, this fort is one of the oldest European structure in Asia.
Batu Caves, Malaysia

Batu Caves

Holy Hindu shrine in an enormous, monkey-filled limestone cavern.
Siem Reap, Cambodia

APOPO Visitor Center

A non-profit that uses the impressive smelling abilities of African Pouched Rats to find and clear unexploded land mines.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

Khmer Rouge's high security prison.
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Neak Pean

A small 12th-century temple surrounded by waters believed to have curative properties.
Kantuot, Cambodia

Preah Vihear Temple

This impressive clifftop temple was once at the center of an international custody dispute.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Phnom Penh Memorial Stupa

5,000 skulls in memorial to those killed by the Khmer Rouge.
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Ta Prohm

A battle between nature and architecture in the Cambodian jungle.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Cambodia–Vietnam Friendship Monument

Bombed and burned, this monument represents the often controversial ties between Vietnam and Cambodia.
Sydney, Australia

Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney

Come for the flowers, stay for the bats!
Santiago, Chile

Museum of Memory and Human Rights

A museum founded to reflect on and remember the human rights abuses under Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Original Tomb of Tomás Guido

The humble tomb of an Argentine general, hand-built by his son using stones brought down from the Andes.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Floralis Generica

105-foot wide giant metallic flower blooms anew every day in the heart of Buenos Aires.
El Chaltén, Argentina

Cerro Fitz Roy

The inspiration for the Patagonia Clothing logo, Cerro Fitz Roy turns pink at sunrise.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cementerio de la Recoleta

Buenos Aires' city of the dead contains some very famous remains, including Eva Perón.
Foz do Iguaçu, Argentina

Iguazu Falls

A series of waterfalls so massive they straddle the border of Argentina and Brazil.
Los Glaciares National Park, Argentina

Perito Moreno Glacier

This stunning mass of ice spans 121 square miles and is still growing.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

El Ateneo Grand Splendid

This historic, palatial theater is now one of the world’s most beautiful bookstores.
Seoul, South Korea

Jongmyo Shrine

The supreme shrine of the state.
Seoul, South Korea


The burial ground of two kings and a queen is now a calm city park in the middle of bustling Seoul.
Seoul, South Korea

108 Heaven Stairway

A remnant of Korea's colonial past lies forgotten in a hip neighborhood in Seoul.