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London, England

Boadicea and Her Daughters

A statue of the legendary Celtic warrior queen who fought the Roman invaders stands in one of the cities she once destroyed.
London, England

Cleopatra's Needle Shrapnel Scars

This ancient Egyptian obelisk still bears the wounds of World War I.
London, England

Remains of the Old London Bridge

Only a few pieces remain of the structure that carried people and goods across the Thames for some 600 years.
London, England

Honey & Co. Bloomsbury

Feast on Middle Eastern mezze from an Israeli expat duo.
London, England

Clock of the Long Now: Prototype 1

A clock designed to run with perfect accuracy for 10,000 years.
London, England

Victoria and Albert Museum WWII Battle Scars

The pockmarks across the building's facade are remnants of the Blitz.
London, England

Victoria & Albert Museum Dining Rooms

Revel in the Victorian splendor of the world's oldest eating establishment inside a museum.
London, England

The Burney Relief

This bewitching Babylonian goddess haunts a hallway of the British Museum.
London, England

Hoa Hakananai'a

The "lost friend” is the most famous of the six moai statues that were removed from Easter Island.
London, England

Lindow Man

A naturally mummified 2,000-year-old man.
London, England

Mold Gold Cape

This intriguing Bronze Age artifact spent centuries hidden within a Welsh faerie hill.
London, England

The Lewis Chessmen

These mysterious Viking chess pieces spent centuries hidden on a remote Scottish island.
London, England

Shield of Parade

This magnificently macabre shield shows the power of chivalrous love in medieval times.
London, England

Stables Market

Catacombs turned marketplace.
London, England

'The Ambassadors'

A mysterious shape catches the eye in this 16th-century painting.
London, England

The Fourth Plinth

Originally meant to hold a statue of King William IV, this support sat empty for years. Today, it hosts a rotating cast of public artwork.
London, England

National Gallery Mosaics

A quartet of tiled art pieces adorn the floors of this prestigious art museum.
London, England

Great Ormond Street Hospital

Children's hospital in London that operates on royalties received from Peter Pan, which J.M. Barrie signed over in 1929.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Millennium Clock Tower

The dance of this huge clock is a magnificent and eerie commentary on good and evil in the history of humankind.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Edinburgh Maiden

This early version of the guillotine was used to execute the man responsible for its construction.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Remains of Dolly the Sheep

The taxidermy remains of the first mammal ever cloned from an adult cell are on display in Edinburgh.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Rooftop Terrace at the National Museum of Scotland

There are plenty of wonderful panoramic vistas in Edinburgh, but not many are hidden smack in the middle of the Old Town.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Museum of Childhood

The world’s first museum dedicated to the history of childhood opened in Edinburgh in 1955.
Brighton, England

The Royal Pavilion

Regency-era excess on the English Coast.