hfritzmartinez's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dennis, Massachusetts

Scargo Tower

This lakeside tower is the third attempt at getting a tourist destination to stick on the spot.
Plymouth, Massachusetts

Pilgrim Hall Museum

This museum shines a light on the true Pilgrim experience in North America.
Plymouth, Massachusetts

Plimoth Patuxet

Since 1947, this living history museum has been providing an immersive look at life in Plymouth Colony.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Three Sisters Lighthouses

These three lighthouses played a fundamental role in the maritime life of Eastham.
Eastham, Massachusetts

First Encounter Beach Plaque

This beautiful Cape Cod beach offers dazzling views and an interesting historical footnote.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Doane Rock

The largest glacial erratic boulder on Cape Cod.
Eastham, Massachusetts

Captain Edward Penniman House

The Cape Cod house that whaling built.
Mattapoisett, Massachusetts

Salty the Seahorse

Once a kitschy symbol for a gift shop, this 38-foot seahorse is now a staple roadside attraction.
Freetown, Massachusetts

Profile Rock

This 50-foot rock formation looked like a face that was once believed to be that of a Native American chief.
Waltham, Massachusetts

Fernald State School

Run by a eugenics advocate, this aging institution conducted secret radiation experiments sponsored by Quaker Oats.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Kendall Band

A three-piece musical sculpture installed between the subway tracks at Kendall Station near MIT.
Leominster, Massachusetts

Johnny Ro Veterans Memorial Park

Funded entirely by volunteers and donors this military memorial features a tank with a comedy line on its barrel.
Hull, Massachusetts

Nantasket Fascination Parlor

The only remaining place where you can play this century-old game for cash.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Lampoon Building

The headquarters of one of the world’s longest-running humor magazines bears a noticeable resemblance to a head wearing a Prussian helmet.
Concord, Massachusetts

The Old Manse

The poems Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife Sophia etched into its windows are still visible today.
Hull, Massachusetts

Boston Lighthouse

A lighthouse on a diminutive island was one of the first of its kind to guide seamen home.
Harvard, Massachusetts

Harvard Shaker Lollipop Graveyard

This historic cemetery is filled with markers that look more like candy than was likely intended.
Leominster, Massachusetts

Birthplace of Johnny Appleseed

The proud hometown of an American legend has honored their favorite son with what seems to be a gravestone.
Greenfield, Massachusetts

Eunice Williams Covered Bridge

Where Eunice Williams was murdered by natives, and where locals say her ghost still haunts.
Lynn, Massachusetts

High Rock Tower

At the supposed instruction of Ben Franklin and Socrates, a Spiritualist believer intended to birth a mechanical messiah here.
Concord, Massachusetts

Orchard House

Louisa May Alcott based “Little Women” on her experiences growing up in this house with her sisters.
Dedham, Massachusetts

Fairbanks House

The oldest surviving wood-frame building in North America is still in the family.
Boston, Massachusetts

King's Chapel Crypt

A more than 260-year-old crypt built on Boston's oldest English burial ground.
Peabody, Massachusetts

Grave of the Boston Strangler

Grave of the man allegedly responsible for a series of infamous murders in Boston in the 1960s.