Nature - Atlas Obscura

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A group of medieval knights prepares to launch their tanking vessel into the slow-moving waters of Nebraska’s North Platte River.

Whatever Floats Your Boat – or Tank

Nebraskans have come up with an ingenious way of cooling down along the state’s many waterways.
"Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve," Lancaster, CA.

California, Through Your Eyes

Our California Dream Art Show has concluded; the submissions will inspire you to book a trip, pronto.
Unaweep Divide, west.

Discover Geological Oddities in Colorado

Over 2 billion years of diverse tectonic forces turned Colorado into a playground for the geologically inclined.

7 Places to Experience Big Wonder in Texas

Hit the state’s highest peaks, darkest skies, and widest vistas on this super-sized road trip.

9 Places to Dive Into Fresh Texas Waters

Take a dip and cool off in the state’s natural springs, bays, and pools.