ballarbr's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Vienna, Austria

House Attack

The house that took a plunge into the facade of a museum.
Eisenberg an der Raab, Austria

Eisenberg Lawn Cross

Cross mysteriously appeared for 36 years.
Vienna, Austria

Steinhof Church

The first modernist church in Europe.
Graz, Austria


Resting in the middle of an Austrian river, this sci-fi "island" lets people cross in neon style.
Kyoto, Japan

Rokuon-ji Temple

This 14th-century temple is also known as the "Temple of the Golden Pavilion" for its gorgeous gilded reliquary hall.
Tokyo, Japan

Pasona O2

Underground farm located in a former bank vault deep within the bowels of Tokyo's business district.
Tokyo, Japan

The Asahi Flame

This enormous monument is one of the most iconic structures in Tokyo, rudely nicknamed "The Golden Turd."
Tokyo, Japan

Akihabara Electric Town

Once a black market electronics marketplace, now an otaku shopper's paradise.
Nagasaki, Japan

Fukusai-ji Temple

The giant figure on the back of this turtle-shaped temple actually hides a memorial pendulum.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Wat Phnom

The capital of Cambodia is named after the hill on which this ancient temple complex stands.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

Khmer Rouge's high security prison.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Phnom Penh Memorial Stupa

5,000 skulls in memorial to those killed by the Khmer Rouge.
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Dinosaur of Ta Prohm

Hoax, mistake, or evidence of dinosaurs in human times?
Siem Reap, Cambodia

Ta Prohm

A battle between nature and architecture in the Cambodian jungle.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Phsar Thmei (Central Market)

One of the biggest markets in Asia, under one of the continent's largest domes.
Izumo-shi, Japan


What's believed to be the country's first shrine is, in Shintō mythology, the annual meeting place of the gods.
Phela, Thailand

Phra Nang Cave

A phallic shrine to a princess goddess in Krabi, Thailand.
Seoul, South Korea

Trick Eye Museum

South Korea's love of the silly photograph is on full display at this goofy collection of trompe l'oeil paintings.
Tokyo, Japan


After a profound show of devotion for his master, a dog becomes the symbol of loyalty for an entire nation.
Tokyo, Japan

Kabukicho Robot Restaurant

Cabaret where the show girls are all androids, and the patrons couldn't be more pleased.
Tokyo, Japan

Odaiba Statue of Liberty

This little replica of Lady Liberty provides a bit of NYC in a Japanese city.
Tokyo, Japan

Godzilla Head

Not quite the menace it once was, this monster still has some chops.
Kyoto, Japan

Kiyomizu-Dera Temple

A shrine contains nearly 200 statues of the Buddhist deity Jizo, dressed in bibs by parents who have lost a child.
Nara, Japan

Buddha's Nostril

Devoted Buddhists can earn enlightenment in the next life by crawling through this symbolic nostril.