giampersa's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Monopoli, Italy

Chiesa di Santa Maria del Suffragio detta del Purgatorio

Macabre symbols of death and mummies on display set the tone of this Italian purgatory church.
Berlin, Germany

Tajikistan Tearoom

A slice of central Asia in the middle of Berlin.
Leipzig, Germany

Völkerschlachtdenkmal (Monument to the Battle of the Nations)

This incredible stone temple is a monument to death, victory, and fantasy architecture.
Bari, Italy

Manna of St. Nicholas of Bari

A dead saint, a deadly poison, and a mysterious holy ooze.
Alberobello, Italy


Southern Italy's spinning top village.
Beelitz, Germany

Beelitz Heilstätten

Terrifying derelict military hospital once housed a recuperating Hitler.
Houston, Texas

National Museum of Funeral History

Fantastic collection celebrating the final send-off.
Berlin, Germany

The Bierpinsel

A tree-like building perches on its trunk in the Steglitz neighborhood of Berlin.
Potsdam, Germany

Sanssouci Palace

The "Prussian Versailles" that is as glorious today as when it was built.
Halbe, Germany

Tropical Islands Resort

It's always summer at the beach inside this former airship hangar.
Berlin, Germany

Bahnhof Berlin Zoologischer Garten

Metro station with a claim to rock n' roll fame.
Berlin, Germany

Arthouse Tacheles

An old department store turned Nazi prison turned artist commune.
Berlin, Germany

Museum für Naturkunde

Berlin's natural history museum houses the world's largest mounted dinosaur and the late beloved polar bear Knut.
Berlin, Germany

Tempelhof Airport

Berlin's old airport.
Berlin, Germany


Floating swimming pool within a moored vessel.
Berlin, Germany


The largest free-standing aquarium in the world resides in a hotel lobby in Berlin.
Berlin, Germany


A whimsical and twisted animatronic monster tour beneath the streets of Berlin.

Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara

Site full of incredible prehistoric paintings and archeological findings.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cementerio de la Recoleta

Buenos Aires' city of the dead contains some very famous remains, including Eva Perón.
Recife, Brazil

Francisco Brennand's Ceramic Workshop

The massive gardens and office of a Brazilian sculptor.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Berlin, Germany

Berlin-Friedrichstrasse Railway Station

Cold war icon and onetime "hole" in the iron curtain.
Berlin, Germany

Pergamon Museum

The most visited, and possibly most controversial, museum in Germany.
Seville, Spain

Tomb of Christopher Columbus

The final resting place of the great navigator, or maybe his brother.