haftercrate's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dallas, Texas

Dallas Skyspace

See the sky in a new way through this art installation.
Dallas, Texas

Pioneer Plaza Cattle Drive

A symbol of Texas pride.
Dallas, Texas

Klyde Warren Park

A city park that sits on top of a freeway.
Dallas, Texas

Bowler Hat Sculpture

This sculpture of a bowler hat is complemented by a matching umbrella a few blocks away.
Dallas, Texas

Texas Theatre

This theatre was made famous after Lee Harvey Oswald was captured inside watching a film.
Dallas, Texas

Thanks-Giving Square

A serene temple with stunning stained glass hides in downtown Dallas.
Dallas, Texas

The Texas Woofus

A mythical chimera first sculpted in 1936 as a mix of the main animals of Texas livestock.
Dallas, Texas

Texas Centennial Art Deco Buildings

A "Texanic" (gigantic Texas) collection of Art Deco architecture at Dallas' historic Fair Park.
Dallas, Texas

'Eye' Sculpture

This downtown Dallas art installation is always on the lookout.
Dallas, Texas

The Traveling Man

A trio of colossal statues spread across a Dallas neighborhood chart the emergence of a giant robot born of a locomotive and spilled gin.
Austin, Texas

Curia Arcanum

This eclectic Austin curiosity shop is home to all things strange and unusual.
Prague, Czechia

Statue of Franz Kafka

A surreal statue honoring Prague's favorite literary son.
Austin, Texas

The Sometimes Islands

Some islands... they come, they go, especially on Lake Travis.
Austin, Texas

Mueller SunFlowers

A grove of colossal man-made flowers built to collect the sun's rays.
Austin, Texas

Mount Bonnell

Austin’s local mountain isn’t really a mountain at all.