sbell440's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Toledo, Washington

Gospodor Monument Park

These memorials built by an eccentric bachelor on the side of Interstate 5 cause both wonder and traffic accidents.
Seattle, Washington

Red Mill Totem House

Keeping Ballard's heritage alive with delicious, lightly battered Alaskan wild cod.
Seattle, Washington

Hale's Palladium

A brewery warehouse which doubles as a circus bigtop.
Tacoma, Washington

'Top of the Ocean' Monument

This waterfront restaurant was the life of the party until a crime syndicate burned it to the ground.
Olympia, Washington

Olympia Artesian Well Commons

Local stories say that if you drink from this well, you will return to Olympia.
Seattle, Washington

Northwest African American Museum

Now a museum, once the site of the longest act of civil disobedience in United States history.
Colfax, Washington

The Codger Pole

A town's monument to a touch-football victory 50 years in the making.
Pullman, Washington

Farr Cemetery

A graveyard for early settlers, sometimes called Old Pioneer Cemetery, hidden in the woods on a hillside.
George, Washington

George Washington Bust in George, WA

A bust of the first president welcomes visitors to the only town in America called George, Washington.
La Push, Washington

Chilean Memorial

A tiny plaque hidden miles into the Washington wilderness is all that remains to honor a shipwreck that left 18 people dead.
Seattle, Washington


This sculpture forces visitors to confront their relationship with space.
Seattle, Washington

Plymouth Pillars Park

The four tall pillars once marked the entrance of the historic Seattle church that fought for women's suffrage and civil rights.
Bainbridge Island, Washington

Haleets Rock

Mysterious ancient petroglyphs carved on a glacial boulder at the tip of Bainbridge Island.
Bellingham, Washington

SPARK Museum of Electrical Invention

An electrifying collection of gadgets and literature from the 16th through 20th centuries.
Seattle, Washington

Salty Dog Pottery Studio

Artistic Oasis in Industrial Ballard.
Longview, Washington

Nutty Narrows Bridge

This bridge provides safe passage for squirrels.
Bainbridge Island, Washington

The Labyrinth Mosaic and Halls Hill Lookout

Overlooking Puget Sound sits a garden with a Buddhist prayer wheel and an elaborate labyrinth.
Ellensburg, Washington

Dick and Jane's Spot

An outsider art duo's yard has been turned into a whimsical public gallery.
Zillah, Washington

Teapot Dome Service Station

Perhaps the world's only gas station inspired by a political scandal.
Coulee City, Washington

Blue Lake Rhino Cave

A cave interior in the shape of the ancient rhinoceros, created by lava cooling around its carcass.
Port Townsend, Washington

Fort Worden Artillery Battery

An abandoned network of military bunkers and tunnels open for anyone willing to descend into the darkness.
Olympia, Washington

Mima Mounds

Native American burial mounds? Giant gopher dens? No one knows what created the Mima Mounds.
Seattle, Washington

Harry Partch's Musical Instruments

A collection of odd-shaped and quirky sounding instruments handmade by a midcentury inventor-composer.
Seattle, Washington

Seattle's Giant Sequoia Tree

This grand old 80-foot sequoia towers above the buildings in the city’s retail center.