tonibecker02's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Akureyri, Iceland

Akureyri Heart-Shaped Traffic Lights

Instead of solid circles, the stoplights in this northern Icelandic town have glowing red hearts.

Keldur Hall

The oldest hall in Iceland was written of in the Sagas and features a centuries-old escape tunnel.
Reykjavik, Iceland


This stunning concert hall has become a symbol of Iceland's national recovery.


A formerly glacier-tipped volcano that inspired none other than Jules Verne.


Puffin enthusiasts flock to Europe's largest seabird cliff, which over one million birds call home.
Vik, Iceland


Three columns of volcanic rock shoot out of the ocean.
Thingvellir, Iceland


This natural Icelandic fissure allows divers to swim right between two volatile tectonic plates.
Skogar, Iceland


The oldest (maybe) swimming pool in Iceland is a stunning oasis built into the side of a lush hill.

Gullfoss (Golden Falls)

If a glacial river suddenly diving into a sheer chasm via a dramatic, multi-stage waterfall isn't peak Iceland, it's certainly close.

Haukadalur Geothermal Field

This valley of hot springs and boiling mud pots is home to the record-holding "Geysir," which originated the English word.


The most powerful waterfall in all of Europe.


This elegant arc of a waterfall marks a religious turning point.
Reykjavik, Iceland

Icelandic Phallological Museum

An encyclopedic collection of mammal penises.


Iceland's largest lagoon is home to stunning multi-colored icebergs.
Reykjavik, Iceland


One of the tallest buildings in Iceland, and perhaps, the most visually impressive.
Hólmavík, Iceland

The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft

Staves, storm-calling, and of course, necropants.
Grindavík, Iceland

Blue Lagoon

Medicinal spa created with the discharge from a geothermal energy plant.
Stockholm, Sweden

Ribbinska Huset

It is said that each of the white stones in the red facade of this medieval house represents the head of a murdered Swedish noble.
Stockholm, Sweden

Vasa Museum

It houses the remains of a 17th-century version of the Titanic.
Brussels, Belgium

Black Tower

A fantastical 13th-century fortification sandwiched by a modern hotel in central Brussels.
Brussels, Belgium

Manneken Pis

A little sculpture with a large wardrobe.
Bruges, Belgium

Smallest Gothic Window in Bruges

You can spot this teeny tiny stained-glass window from the Bonifacius bridge.
Bruges, Belgium

Basilica of the Holy Blood

Christ's blood preserved in a Belgian town.
Bruges, Belgium

The Lucifernum

This former Masonic lodge has been transformed into part museum, part bar, all awesome.