cyriellehawrosz's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Nîmes, France

Maison Carrée Reconstructed Inscription

The lost Latin words were reconstructed using the holes from the nails that once pinned them in place.
Berlin, Germany

Schönhauser Allee Cemetery

Inside this Jewish cemetery is a memorial to soldiers who deserted the German army and were executed.
Berlin, Germany

Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted Under Nazism

A memorial in the Tiergarten is a reminder of the suffering inflicted on homosexuals by the Nazi regime.
Berlin, Germany

Silent Green Kulturquartier

Concerts, art, offices, and a café in what used to be Berlin's first crematorium.
Berlin, Germany

Weißensee Cemetery

This sprawling Jewish cemetery is one of the largest in Europe.
Berlin, Germany

Stadtbahn Viaduct World War II Damage

Reminders of the Battle of Berlin still scar the railway.
Berlin, Germany

Schöneberg Gasometer

The skeletal frame of a decommissioned gas-pumping station offers breathtaking views of greater Berlin.
Berlin, Germany


Berliners converted a bombed-out, disused lot into a community-run urban farm with its own cafe and bar.
Lisbon, Portugal

Livraria Simão

One of the smallest bookstores on the planet.