jaxckey's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bloomington, Indiana

Brain Sculpture

The world's largest anatomically accurate brain sculpture.
Bloomington, Indiana

Captain Janeway Statue

It's a unique monument honoring a great character who inspired a generation of young women to be more and pursue their dreams.
Zanesville, Ohio

Zanesville Y-Bridge

A favorite of Amelia Earhart, ranking among those rare bridges that can be crossed without changing sides of the river.
Bellefontaine, Ohio

Campbell Hill

In this relatively flat state the highest point is an honored place.
Oregon, Illinois

Black Hawk Statue

This monolithic statue was erected in honor of Chief Black Hawk (even if it wasn't made to look like him).
Lynn, Indiana

Hoosier Hill

The highest point in Indiana is curated by an Eagle scout but may be in danger of losing its record to a nearby garbage pile.
Chicago, Illinois

The World's Columbian Exhibition of 1893

What's left of the ruins of the 1893 Columbian Exhibition, or World's Fair, also known as the White City.
Chicago, Illinois

'Nuclear Energy'

This bronze sculpture on a former squash court marks the secret origins of the Atomic Age.
Locust Grove, Virginia

Grave of Stonewall Jackson's Arm

The resting place of a Civil War celebrity's amputated limb.
Scotland, Maryland

Point Lookout State Park

This scenic Maryland park was the site of one of the worst prison camps of the Civil War.
Wilson, North Carolina

Whirligig Park (Formerly Acid Park)

A piece of outsider public art accompanied by a strange urban legend.
Fredericksburg, Virginia

Monument to the Angel of Marye's Heights

The Kirkland Monument remembers a selfless Civil War hero who braved the battlefield to give water to his dying enemies.
Columbus, Ohio

Gavel Sculpture

Just outside the Ohio Supreme Court sits a testament to justice.
Columbus, Ohio

'As We Are'

Known locally as "the giant head," this 14-foot LED sculpture has a photo booth in the neck where you can have a 3D picture taken and displayed.
Columbus, Ohio

Arnold Schwarzenegger Statue

A bronze of the man in all his sinewy glory celebrates his longtime connection to the Ohio city.