Xavixavir's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Xavixavir's activity rankings
Places visited in Madrid, Spain
Places added to Tangier, Morocco
Places edited in Spain
Places visited in Spain
Places added to Madrid, Spain
Places edited in Stockholm, Sweden
Places visited in Bristol, England
Places added to Spain
Places edited in Mexico City, Mexico
Madrid, Spain

Altamira Cave Replica

A reproduction of the famous prehistoric cave paintings is hidden underground at the National Archaeological Museum.
Bristol, England

Bristol Museum Natural History Collection

It houses a menagerie of wondrous taxidermy specimens from around the world, including the remains of a famous gorilla.
London, England

Cleopatra's Needle Shrapnel Scars

This ancient Egyptian obelisk still bears the wounds of World War I.
Bristol, England

Bristol Museum Archeology Collection

An array of ancient artifacts from Bronze Age Bristol and other civilizations are housed in this museum.
Madrid, Spain

Relics of St. Valentine at Iglesia de San Antón

Inside this church are the alleged remains of the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and beekeepers.
Manchester, England

Circus Tavern

This tiny watering hole claims to have the smallest bar counter in Europe.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Museo Regional de la Cerámica (Regional Museum of Ceramics)

One of Mexico’s historic pottery-producing towns is home to a museum showcasing the craft.
Manchester, England

Peterloo Memorial

The city of Manchester quietly unveiled this tribute to a 19th-century massacre.
Liverpool, England

'Penelope' Sculpture

This whimsical public art installation is a unique homage to Liverpool's industrial heritage.
Mexico City, Mexico

Plaza Santos Degollado

A grand entrance to one of the world's smallest Chinatowns.
London, England

Pink Floyd Plaque

This London marker celebrates the spot where the world-famous English band was founded.
Stockholm, Sweden

The First Grave of René Descartes

Inside this church, a monument honors the first burial site of the famed philosopher.
Almansa, Spain

Almansa Town Hall Sculpture Garden

This impressive former palace contains a hidden gem for fans of modern sculpture.
Mexico City, Mexico

Cocodrilo de Leonora Carrington

A fabulously bizarre surrealist sculpture by the late artist Leonora Carrington.
Burgos, Spain

Cartuja de Miraflores

This Gothic church houses ornate royal tombs and a magnificent gilded altarpiece.
Bristol, England

Hermit's Cave and Quaker Burial Ground

A medieval cave used to shelter local hermits now holds nearly 200 old Quaker gravestones.
Guadalajara, Mexico

Telmex Building

This structure was moved nearly 40 feet while people continued working inside it.
Mexico City, Mexico

Metro Auditorio

This Mexico City subway station will make you feel like you've been transported to the London Underground.
Ibi, Spain

Centenary Tree of Plaça de la Palla

This beloved ancient tree is the pride of this city center.
Cambridge, England

Mathematical Bridge

Local legend says Isaac Newton built this footbridge without any screws, bolts, or nails.
Mexico City, Mexico

Moctezuma's Treasure

It's believed this golden brick is part of the legendary lost Aztec treasure.
Barcelona, Spain

'Dona i Ocell' ('Woman and Bird')

This colorful statue welcomes visitors to a Barcelona park.
Madrid, Spain

Edificio Mirador

This postmodern apartment block was designed to be a vertical neighborhood.
London, England

Fleet Air Arm Memorial

A haunting monument dedicated to the Royal Naval Air Service and the Fleet Air Arm.