From a distance, what looks like a giant stick figure raising its hands is actually, upon closer inspection, a jumble of guns, knives, and other weapons melted together. “Release the Fear” in Phoenix’s Roosevelt Row neighborhood is symbolic of the fight against violence. As such, the 24-foot-tall figure is meant to be a metaphor for rising above violence. Around it are the names of the donors who funded the sculpture, and on the surrounding pavement are quotes by famous figures who have championed nonviolence.
The sculpture’s creator, Robert Miley, founded a local nonprofit of the same name dedicated to helping at-risk youth through art workshops. His outreach has reduced the recidivism rate of participants, and he has spread this work to Central-American countries. It took Miley 10 years to secure funding and material for his sculpture, with the latter partially becoming criminals’ weapons confiscated and donated by the Phoenix Police Department. Those constitute 8,000 of the 17,000 pounds of metal in the sculpture. Miley also received assistance in creating the sculpture from local high school students and convicts.
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January 23, 2025