allysonmritchey's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ann Arbor, Michigan

Longest Known Mastodon Trackway

See prehistoric footprints, plus two complete mastodon skeletons.
Altoona, Pennsylvania

Horseshoe Curve

This dramatic rail curve was once the target of a failed Nazi attack.
Gardners, Pennsylvania

Appalachian Trail Museum

A museum dedicated to the history & joys of the trail & your best chance to see hikers throwing up ice cream.
Salisbury, Pennsylvania

Mount Davis

Pennsylvania's highest point is spotted with boulders which were pushed to the surface by nothing but cold.
Orrtanna, Pennsylvania

Mr. Ed's Elephant Museum

An almost life-sized elephant named Ms. Ellie greets visitors at this jumbo-themed museum.
Altoona, Pennsylvania


Behold the rickety wooden glory of the world's oldest operating roller coaster.
Bedford, Pennsylvania

Koontz Coffee Pot

This titanic java kettle is one of the many kitschy landmarks located along America's OTHER famous highway.
Spring Mills, Pennsylvania

Penn's Cave

Sail through this subterranean show cave that is home to a legend that would go on to name nearly everything around it.
Breezewood, Pennsylvania

Abandoned Pennsylvania Turnpike

An abandoned stretch of highway, deteriorating next to the operational one.
Tyrone, Pennsylvania

Tytoona Cave Nature Preserve Area

Considered by many to be a local landmark and treasure.