bpozun's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Places edited in Khujand, Tajikistan
Places visited in Khujand, Tajikistan
Places visited in Uzbekistan
Places visited in Turkmenistan
Places visited in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Places visited in Almaty, Kazakhstan
Places visited in Alexandria, Egypt
Places visited in Tajikistan
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Moscow, Russia

Romanov Boyar Residence

Home of the future Emperors of Russia.
Moscow, Russia

Hotel Ukraina

The tallest hotel in Europe.
Prague, Czechia

Prague Astronomical Clock

Macabre astrological automaton clock dating to the late 1400s.
Rome, Italy

Pyramid of Cestius

The only "Egyptian" pyramid in Europe and the legendary tomb of Remus.
Belgrade, Serbia

'Roman Well' of the Belgrade Fortress

A misnamed well, with a deep dark past.
Niš, Serbia

The Skull Tower of Nis

Structure built from the skulls of vanquished foes.
Pompeii, Italy

Plaster Citizens of Pompeii

The last moments of the ill-fated Pompeiians, frozen forever in plaster.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Palacio Barolo

A tower devoted to — and modeled after — the Divine Comedy.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cementerio de la Recoleta

Buenos Aires' city of the dead contains some very famous remains, including Eva Perón.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Floralis Generica

105-foot wide giant metallic flower blooms anew every day in the heart of Buenos Aires.
Istanbul, Turkey

Basilica Cisterns of Istanbul

A marvel of Byzantine engineering under the streets of Istanbul.
New York, New York

Maxilla & Mandible

A Natural History and Science Emporium.
New York, New York

The High Line

Elevated freight railway turned wildly successful urban park.
New York, New York

Union Square Metronome

The most confusing clock in New York.
New York, New York

Museum of Sex

A semi-scholarly approach to sex.
Queens, New York

Flushing Meadows-Corona Park

The remnants of two World's Fairs are here, complete with a 12-story globe, a mini-Manhattan, and a UFO-shaped pavilion.
New York, New York

The Lightship Frying Pan

Rummage through this sunken ship, but leave your scuba gear at home.
New York, New York

Roosevelt Island Smallpox Hospital Ruins

A crumbling hospital from the 1850s on Roosevelt Island.
Brooklyn, New York

New York Transit Museum

Ride the subways of yesteryear.
Brooklyn, New York

Atlantic Avenue Tunnel

In the middle of downtown Brooklyn lies a 165 year old secret hidden right below the surface (closed to the public indefinitely).
New York, New York

Museum of American Finance

Ever wanted the laymen's version of your credit card fine print?
Baltimore, Maryland

The American Visionary Art Museum

A museum dedicated to exhibiting remarkable outsider art.
Boston, Massachusetts

Mapparium Globe

An enormous, inside-out glass globe built in 1935.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eastern State Penitentiary

World's first "penitentiary," meant to be humane, drove men insane.