brickhound's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to Amsterdam, Netherlands
Places added to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Places visited in Dijon, France
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Biblioteca Ets Haim

The world's oldest Jewish library was founded by Sephardic Jews in 17th century Amsterdam.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Monongahela Incline

The United States’s oldest funicular railway glides up and down a steep Pittsburgh street.
Rome, Italy

Arch of Gallienus

This Roman arch marks the location of an ancient gate at one of the Seven Hills of Rome.
Flagler Beach, Florida

Bulow Plantation Ruins

The ruins of this antebellum sugar plantation are the end result of a Seminole attack during the Florida Wars of 1836.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Dippy the Dinosaur

A model of a dinosaur that was named for Andrew Carnegie stands outside the museum that also bears his name.
Oudewater, Netherlands

Witches' Weigh House

The giant scales in this museum can still tell if someone is one of the devil's brides just by weight.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Duquesne Incline

There aren't too many operational funiculars around, but Pittsburgh has two!
Amsterdam, Netherlands


This 1920s Amsterdam neighborhood was built as a giant experiment in concrete construction.
Paris, France

La Promenade Plantée

The first green space constructed on an elevated viaduct.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Paramount Film Exchange

Once used to screen films for theater owners to rent, this historic building is now a start up hub.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The House with The Blood Stains

The former home of a mad diplomat is said to still be marked in bloody, arcane scrawls.