cyccommute's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Tucson, Arizona
Places added to Colorado
Places edited in Colorado
Places visited in Colorado
Places added to Denver, Colorado
Places edited in Denver, Colorado
Places visited in Denver, Colorado
Places added to Santa Fe, New Mexico
Places edited in Flagstaff, Arizona
Denver, Colorado

Allen Tupper True Murals at the Mountain States Telephone Building

These murals from the 1920s beautifully depict America’s industrial age.
Aurora, Colorado

Umi Statue

This depiction of the earth mother welcomes new life into Aurora Highlands.
Creede, Colorado

Bachelor Loop Interpretive Site

Take a self-guided tour through one of Colorado's most elevated mining districts.
Silver City, New Mexico

Dragonfly Trail Petroglyphs

Hidden in the Chihuahuan Desert resides an amazing collection of petroglyphs.
Pueblo, Colorado

The Goodnight Barn

This historic stone barn is the former home of legendary cattleman Charles “Lonesome Dove” Goodnight.
Lindon, Colorado

Abbott Church

A tiny nondenominational church harkens back to the days of the first homesteaders in the region.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Monument to the Flagstaff Flag Staff

A replica of the flagpole that gave a frontier town its name.
Denver, Colorado

Daniels and Fisher Tower

A focal point of in Denver’s skyline for over a century, inspired by a Venetian basilica.
Flagstaff, Arizona

Grover the Geologic Rover

An important piece of history from mankind's journey to the moon sits in the lobby of a government science lab.
Marble, Colorado

Marble Mill Site Park

The site of a defunct mill, that once supplied marble for the construction of the Lincoln Memorial.
British Columbia

D'arcy Island

This small island has a dark past as a colony for Chinese lepers and a dropoff point for bootleggers.
Flagstaff, Arizona

TWA-United Grand Canyon Collision Mass Grave

A mass grave for victims of an airline disaster that led to much-needed safety improvements for commercial flights.
Soda Springs, Idaho

Geyser Park

Home to a timed geyser created by complete accident.
Glendale, Colorado

Four Mile Historic Park

It's easy to forget what century it is as you wander this rustic homestead.
Tucson, Arizona

El Tiradito

Make a wish at what might be America's only Catholic shrine to a sinner.
Florence, Arizona

Tom Mix Monument

At an isolated roadside rest area stands a monument marking where famous Western star Tom Mix died in 1940.
Wheat Ridge, Colorado

Tower of Memories

A seven-story 1920s mausoleum outside Denver houses thousands of remains.
Pueblo, Colorado

Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo Museum

A mental health hospital dating back more than 139 years, now features a museum.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Vanier Park Column

After spending more than a century on the ocean floor, this shipwrecked column is finally resting atop solid ground.
Denver, Colorado

Colfax Avenue Museum

This eclectic collection documents the wild legacies of "America's Wickedest Street."
Denver, Colorado

American Museum of Western Art

The huge collection of paintings of the American West is one of Denver's best-kept secrets.
Manitou Springs, Colorado

Manitou Mineral Springs

There are eight natural springs around town, each with a slightly different taste.
Denver, Colorado

History Colorado Center

This museum offers an actual time machine back through Colorado's past.
Bethesda, Maryland

Madonna of the Trail

She stares out across six lanes of traffic, clutching a musket and infant with determination.