joro's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Columbus, Ohio
Places visited in Peoria, Illinois
Places visited in Jekyll Island, Georgia
Places visited in Bristol, Virginia
Places visited in Ohio
Places edited in Atlanta, Illinois
Places visited in Springfield, Illinois
Places visited in Newark, Ohio
Places visited in Cancún, Mexico
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Key Biscayne, Florida

Cape Florida Lighthouse

Located within a historic park, the beacon is the oldest standing structure in Miami.
Key Biscayne, Florida


A community of collapsing homes more than a mile out from the Florida coast.
St. Marys, Georgia

St. Marys Submarine Museum

Interactive modern and vintage submarine equipment, World War II relics, and submarine attire.
Clearwater, Florida

Frank Miranda's Oddities & Antiques

An abandoned Victorian house transformed into a museum and store filled with taxidermy and vintage goods.
Dunedin, Florida

Mosaic House of Dunedin

In this Florida couple's cottage, nearly every surface—inside and out—is covered in mosaic artwork.
Athens, Georgia

The Athens Double Barreled Cannon

After just one epic test blast, this literal loose cannon proved too explosive for combat.
Andersonville, Georgia

Andersonville National Historic Site

The site of the notorious Camp Sumter Prison is now a peaceful memorial.
Robbinsville, North Carolina

Cheoah Dam

A historic dam made famous for its turbines and feature in a Hollywood classic.
Forneys Creek, North Carolina

Tail of the Dragon

This winding road of 318 curves is a must-visit for (careful) motorcycle and sports car enthusiasts.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Oak Ridge "The Secret City"

The secret city built by the Manhattan Project.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

The Prophet of Oak Ridge's Grave

John Hendrix predicted the creation of the "Secret City" built as part of the Manhattan Project.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Alexander Inn

This hotel was used during the Manhattan Project to house official visitors.
Middlesboro, Kentucky

Tri-State Peak

Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia meet at this point in the Cumberland Gap.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

B-1 Flat Top in Oak Ridge

One of the Cemestos prefab homes built to secretly house thousands of Manhattan Project workers.
Niagara Falls, Ontario

The Tunnel at Niagara Parks Power Station

A tunnel that brings more than a century of history to life from the deepest parts of the Niagara Gorge.
Van Wert, Ohio

Brumback Library

The oldest county library in the United States.
Carson City, Nevada

Nevada State Museum

The museum is housed inside the historic 1863 Carson City Mint.
Atlantic City, New Jersey

Absecon Lighthouse

The third-tallest lighthouse in the United States stands as a reminder of Atlantic City's early days.
Washington, D.C.

Almas Temple

One of the last mosaic tile facades found in the city.
Clarksville, Indiana

Falls of the Ohio State Park

Marine fossils from the Devonian period are exposed at this park.
Wytheville, Virginia

Big Walker Lookout

A 100-foot metal tower and swinging bridge that provides stunning views of mountains in five states.
Indianapolis, Indiana

Chatham Passage

This multisensory alley has the ability to remind bustling citygoers to stop and smell the roses.
Bartlesville, Oklahoma

Price Tower

The only fully-realized skyscraper built by the famed American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright.
Cambridge, Ohio

National Museum of Cambridge Glass

A collection of thousands of pieces of unique, colorful glass made in this Ohio town.