Meg's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
Rievaulx, England

Rievaulx Abbey

This 11th-century Cistercian abbey was once seized by Henry VIII.
Escomb, England

Escomb Church

A 7th-century church in northeast England built using stones from a nearby Roman fort.
Ararat, Australia

J Ward Museum

Now a museum, this was once a prison facility and a hospital for the “criminally insane.”
San Jose, California

Ruins of the Bayside Cannery

This crumbling warehouse was once the third-largest cannery in the U.S. and the first in the world to can green asparagus.
Conifer, Colorado

South Platte Hotel

A once-thriving hotel from the Old West now sits abandoned, under the threat of demolition.
Galway, Ireland

Spanish Arch

Despite the name, this 16th-century structure in Galway wasn't built by the Spanish.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Minnehaha Falls

This small, but beautiful waterfall has attracted visits from artists, composers, and two United States presidents.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Underground House

A luxurious doomsday bunker hidden beneath an unassuming Las Vegas home offers the best of subterranean suburbia.
Los Angeles, California

Travel Town Museum

A miniature train theme park, free to the public, laying at the base of the Santa Monica Mountains.
Chicago, Illinois

Rudolph Ganz Memorial Hall

From banquet hall to Masonic Lodge and now concert venue, Ganz Hall is a breathtaking glimpse of into the golden age of American architecture.
Tokyo, Japan

Samurai Museum

Dedicated to the armor and weapons used by the legendary Japanese warriors.
Kearney, Nebraska

Morris Press Cookbook Store

Inside this magical collection, you can buy recipes cooked up by church ladies, motorcycle clubs, and clowns.
Leicester, England

Abbey Sewage Pumping Station

This former sewage pumping station is now a fascinating museum.
Lindesnes, Norway


The world's largest underwater restaurant is submerged off the southern tip of Norway.
Gloucester, England

Gloucester Waterways Museum

This fantastic museum honors Gloucester waterway heritage.
Córdoba, Argentina

Cabildo de Córdoba

One of the oldest colonial buildings still standing in South America.
San José del Torreón, Mexico

El Cóporo

Built 1,500 years ago, this abandoned Mesoamerican city is surrounded by a natural wall made of outstanding rock formations.
Matlock Bath, England

Masson Mill

This historic textile mill has been repurposed as a shopping outlet, which houses a textile museum that celebrates its industrial past.
Hooksett, New Hampshire

Old Man of the Mountain Replica

After the state would not recreate this beloved rock formation, three New Hampshire brothers took things into their own hands.
Plougrescant, France

Castel Meur

A small house sits between two huge rocks, with its back to the sea.

Great Auk Sculpture at Valahnúkamöl

This five-foot-tall bronze bird is a memorial to a species that was hunted out of existence.
Gdańsk, Poland

Tower Clock Museum

This museum in the tower of the oldest church in Gdańsk, is home to centuries-old time-keeping devices and the world's first pulsar clock.
Warwickshire, England

Lord Leycester Hospital

A retirement home for soldiers that can trace its history to the Elizabethan era and beyond.
Lanleff, France

Temple de Lanleff

The precise origins of this pink sandstone temple are unknown.