metaranha's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Paddys River, Australia

Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex

It's home to the antenna that received the first images of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.
Ypsilanti, Michigan

Ypsilanti Water Tower

Lovingly nick-named the "Brick Dick" this municipal tower was winner of the World's Most Phallic Building Contest.
London, England

Paddington Real Time Clock

Look up from the busy streets to discover how time is kept!
London, England

Huntsman & Sons

The real clothing store that inspired a fictional spy organization's front.
London, England

Tower Hill Execution Site

A memorial for public executions that dates back to the 14th century.
London, England

Town Hall Hotel

You will not be able to miss this building.
London, England

The Tower of London Menagerie

These wire animal sculptures commemorate the exotic inhabitants that once called the Tower of London home.
London, England

Tower Bridge Chimney

An architectural oddity hides in plain sight on this iconic London bridge.
London, England

Traitors' Gate

The watery entrance for condemned prisoners heading to the Tower of London is still visible along the Thames.
London, England

Two Princes Staircase

Richard III supposedly disposed of his nephews' bodies here in an effort to seal his claim to the throne.
London, England

London Necropolis Railway Station

A closed London rail station created to cart away the dead still bears the marks of attempts to make it less morbid.
London, England

The Tower Ravens

Six ravens are kept captive (but well-fed) at the Tower of London to prevent the fall of the Crown.
London, England

The Imperial War Museum London

This massive collection of British military artifacts includes the heartbreaking personal letters of the men in the trenches of WWI.
London, England

Twinings Tea Shop

A 300-year-old tea shop that brought tea to the English people, not to mention the Queen herself.
Paris, France

Le Moulin de la Galette

Montmartre's sole surviving windmill became an iconic landmark for 19th-century painters, artists, and bohemians.
Paris, France

Au Roi de la Bière

Once a 19th-century brasserie, this McDonald's exterior celebrates Alsatian design and the "King of Beer."
Paris, France

La Conciergerie

This former “ante-chamber to the guillotine” has been refurbished to illustrate the brutal history of French justice.
Paris, France

Montmartre Funicular

The water-powered carriages are long gone, but for over a century this funicular railway has been the fastest route to the highest point in Paris.
Paris, France

Montmartre Cemetery

A horde of stray cats rule in this secluded Parisian cemetery under a bridge.
Paris, France

Fourier's Fourth Apple

A giant silver apple a day keeps the perils of capitalism away.
Headington, England

The Narnia Window

Beside the pew where C.S. Lewis often sat while attending church, a window filled with characters from his beloved stories.
Oxford, England

Oxford Castle & Prison

This Norman castle was once the site of a Victorian-era prison, and now exists as a luxury hotel.
Oxford, England

C.S. Lewis's Grave

The beloved fantasy novelist is buried near a church containing a whimsical etched glass window full of Narnia favorites.
Oxford, England

The Bear Inn

This centuries-old pub boasts a collection of more than 4,500 snippets of neckties from around the world.