Opinicus's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Overland Park, Kansas

1950s All-Electric House

Step back in time at this 1950s display home, built to showcase once cutting-edge electric amenities.
Des Moines, Iowa

Zombie Burger + Drink Lab

This zombie-themed restaurant stands out in the heart of corn country.
Gladbrook, Iowa

Matchstick Marvels Museum

A single artist is behind these large-scale models made of hundreds of thousands of two-inch wooden matchsticks.
Walcott, Iowa

Iowa 80 Truck Stop

The world’s largest truck stop includes a barber shop, chiropractor, and a huge museum with antique trucks.
Boston, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge Smoot Measurements

In 1958, an MIT fraternity pledge laid down on this bridge and instituted a new, unique unit of measurement.
Waltham, Massachusetts

Usen Castle

This castle constructed in 1928 was crafted from drawings of Lismore Castle in Ireland.
Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Capitol Park

These ruins are all that's left of the former Alabama State Capitol.
Lincoln, Massachusetts


No one really knows how these old hobby horses got here, but the herd keeps growing.
Sudbury, Massachusetts

Sky Bar

Try a classic Necco candy bar being resurrected in a small suburban shop.
Laconia, New Hampshire

American Classic Arcade Museum

The largest arcade museum in the world chronicles the golden age of video games which ended promptly in 1987.
Portland, Maine

International Cryptozoology Museum

The world's only international cryptozoology museum is host to an unrivaled collection of mysterious objects.
Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts

Martha's Vineyard Gingerbread Houses

This candy-colored storybook village originated as a 19th-century Methodist campground.
Boston, Massachusetts

New England Holocaust Memorial

Millions of numbers carved in glass represent the tattoos forced upon victims.
Concord, Massachusetts

The Old Manse

The poems Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife Sophia etched into its windows are still visible today.
Boston, Massachusetts

Creek Square

This historic patch of real estate offers a glimpse of colonial Boston.
Haverhill, Massachusetts

Winnekenni Castle

It was an experiment to prove that glacial boulders and rocks can be used in constructions and dwelling.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Irish Famine Memorial

Dedicated to one of the darkest moments in Irish history.
Plymouth, Massachusetts

Plimoth Patuxet

Since 1947, this living history museum has been providing an immersive look at life in Plymouth Colony.
Boston, Massachusetts

Hood Milk Bottle

Ice cream stand, snack bar, and time capsule of milk conveyance.
Scarborough, Maine

Lenny the Chocolate Moose

This 1,700-pound edible sculpture is way better than your average chocolate mousse.
Keene, New Hampshire

Parrish Shoes Sign

A recreated sign from the movie Jumanji has become a makeshift tribute to the film's late star.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Boston Stone

A mysterious stone embedded at the base of a historic Boston building.
Boston, Massachusetts

World's Largest Air-Insulated Van de Graaff Generator

The massive machine creates cracking displays of indoor lightning.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Harvard Bridge

This bridge was the birthplace of a unit of measurement based on a fraternity joke.