Sebastian Wortys's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Sebastian Wortys's activity rankings
Places visited in Liberec, Czechia
Places added to Czechia
Places edited in Czechia
Places added to Wrocław, Poland
Places edited in Austria
Places edited in Vienna, Austria
Places visited in Želízy, Czechia
Places edited in Prague, Czechia
Places edited in Olomouc, Czechia
Conakry, Guinea

Keita Fodeba Centre for Acrobatic Arts

The school produces some of Africa's most talented acrobats and contortionists.
Prague, Czechia

Franz Kafka Museum

An eerie, existential museum dedicated to the author of "The Metamorphosis."
Prague, Czechia

Olšany Cemetery

Walk through Czech history in Prague's largest graveyard.
Prague, Czechia

Old Jewish Cemetery

Around 100,000 bodies are buried below the medieval headstones, many of which mark graves with multiple bodies stacked up to 12 deep.
Prague, Czechia

Quo Vadis

A sculpture of the iconic East German car on four legs is a tribute to those who traveled to Prague seeking asylum.
Prague, Czechia

The Deer Moat Pedestrian Tunnel

The tunnel's elegant proportions keep you snug with no claustrophobia freak-out.
Brno, Czechia

Nuclear Shelter 10-Z

A former top secret nuclear fallout shelter now operates like a hotel stuck in the Cold War.
Karlštejn, Czechia

Muzeum Betlémů Karlštejn (Museum of Nativity Scenes)

This quaint museum tells about more than just the birth of Jesus: "betlémy" are an important piece of Czech history.
Tokyo, Japan

The Giant Ghibli Clock

Tokyo’s only Vaudeville-cuckoo clock–steampunk-Victorian curio cabinet time piece.
Prague, Czechia

Museum of Historical Chamber Pots and Toilets

Dedicated to the unsung history of human waste.
Brno, Czechia

Brno Astronomical Clock

A peculiar clock commemorates a historic victory won by ringing the noonday bell an hour early.
Vienna, Austria

Karlskirche (St. Charles's Church)

Built to give thanks for the passing of a plague epidemic, this cathedral is a one-of-a-kind architectural hybrid.
Melnik, Czechia

Melník Chapel of Bones

Underneath this small church are 15,000 bones, arranged by an obsessive academic.
Manětín, Czechia

Kostel Svatého Jiří Ghost Church

Thirty creepy ghosts now inhabit this decaying 14th-century church.
Prague, Czechia

Tančící dům - Dancing House of Prague

This tipsy office building in downtown Prague was originally called “Fred and Ginger.”
Tal, Austria

Green Lake

Each year melting snow turns these Austrian hiking trails into scuba zones.
Vienna, Austria

Votivkirche (Votive Church)

A neo-Gothic church built to thank God for saving the Emperor of Austria from an assassination.
Vienna, Austria

Vienna Grand Ferris Wheel

Vienna's giant wonder wheel had a starring role in one of the greatest noir movies of all time.
Prague, Czechia

Nuclear Bunker Museum

Buried five stories underground, this Soviet bunker is packed with gas masks and Cold War paraphernalia.
Vienna, Austria

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library)

The beautiful baroque library of the Hapsburg empire.
Vysoký Újezd, Czechia

Velka Amerika

This former quarry is now a picturesque gorge that hides a sunken lake.
Vienna, Austria

Wotruba Church

This cubist Vienna church building looks like some sort of alien stonehenge.
Prague, Czechia

Man Hanging Out

What looks like a suicide in progress is actually a statue of Sigmund Freud.
Kawasaki, Japan

Anata No Warehouse

This faux-seedy Japanese arcade is made up to look like a maze of alleys straight out of a cyberpunk dystopia.