srastringer13's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Dunsfold, England

St Mary's and All Saints Church & Holy Well

An ancient yew tree and holy well nestle beside a remarkable 13th-century church.
Orlando, Florida

World's Largest Entertainment McDonald's

Opened in 1976, this monster-sized version of the fast-food franchise is sometimes called the Epic McD.
Orlando, Florida

'The Traveler'

If you don't look closely, you might mistake this sculpture for just another passenger waiting at the airport.
Oban, Scotland

McCaig’s Tower

Looking strangely like Rome's Colosseum, this unfinished tower has dominated the skyline for over 100 years.
Banavie, Scotland

Neptune's Staircase

The longest staircase lock in Britain.
Highland, Scotland

Ben Nevis

The highest peak in the United Kingdom has a history of physics, specters, and a pilgrimage of strange objects.
Dublin, Ireland

The Famine Memorial in Dublin

The somber sculptures commemorating Irish Famine on the river Liffey in Dublin.
Dalmally, Scotland

Kilchurn Castle

Overlooking a Scottish loch, this beautifully crumbling castle once inspired a poem by William Wordsworth.
Dalmally, Scotland

Ben Cruachan

This mountain is one of the largest in Scotland but is better known for its hollow insides.
Dublin, Ireland


Experience what life was like in Ireland during the Viking and medieval ages.
Grangemouth, Scotland

The Kelpies

The heads of two giant mythological water horses honor Scotland's horselord past.
Falkirk, Scotland

Falkirk Wheel

Old-fashioned knowledge and modern engineering create the world's only rotating boatlift.
Doune, Scotland

Doune Castle

The castle that provided the setting for much of 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' is now a pilgrimage site for fans.
Stirling, Scotland

Beheading Stone

Legend says this rock was once a chopping block for public executions.
Stirling, Scotland

The King's Knot

These formal gardens were designed to be admired from the vantage point of the castle.
Stirling, Scotland

Martyrs' Memorial

A striking glass tribute to two sisters who suffered during Scotland's "Killing Time."
Stirling, Scotland

The Star Pyramid

This pyramid is dedicated to all those who suffered martyrdom for civil and religious liberty in Scotland.
Stirling, Scotland

Mar's Wark

The main residence of the Erskine family and the hereditary keeper of the nearby royal Stirling Castle.
Weatherford, Texas

Chandor Gardens

This Texas home and garden was the masterpiece of a British portrait painter.
Cisco, Texas

Site of the Santa Claus Bank Robbery

Where Santa Claus held up a Texas bank and started a statewide manhunt.
Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth Water Gardens

A modernist landscape of water and sci-fi concrete.
Dallas, Texas

Texas Centennial Art Deco Buildings

A "Texanic" (gigantic Texas) collection of Art Deco architecture at Dallas' historic Fair Park.
New York, New York

Hamilton Grange

The only home that Alexander Hamilton ever owned has a history almost as troubled as his own.
Houston, Texas

The Big Bubble

There is an unmarked red button hidden over Houston's Buffalo Bayou that is just begging to pushed...