suedavies00's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Las Vegas, Nevada

The Last Remaining Sigma Derby Machine

Fans of vintage Vegas, kitsch, and toy pony-based gambling now flock to a casino called The D.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Big Rig Jig

Temporary Burning Man sculpture made of two 18-wheelers.
Las Vegas, Nevada

'The Mantis'

Las Vegas's very own 40-foot-tall fire-spewing praying mantis.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Hand of Faith Gold Nugget

The second-largest gold nugget in existence, displayed in a Las Vegas casino conveniently named the Golden Nugget.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The First Telephone in Las Vegas

The so-called "Father of Las Vegas" had the city's first telephone installed in his office in 1907.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Evel Pie

“Live hard, ride fast, eat pizza” at this joint filled with Evel Knievel memorabilia.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Liquors

Back in 1952, you could get a mushroom cloud chaser with your atomic cocktail.
Las Vegas, Nevada

The Neon Museum

The neon signs from Las Vegas' past find their final resting place at this unusual graveyard.
Sydney, Australia

'Memory Is Creation Without End'

This work of art was designed to represent the Tarpeian Way Quarry that once dominated the area.
Melbourne, Australia

Old Melbourne Gaol

Once housing children next to hardened criminals this historic jail once displayed Ned Kelly's skull until it was stolen.
Melbourne, Australia

Ned Kelly's Armour

The bullet-banged DIY suit of armour belonging to Australia’s most famous outlaw.
Melbourne, Australia

Coop's Shot Tower

This historic Melbourne bullet factory is fully encased in a massive glass and steel cone.
Melbourne, Australia

Marionette Fob Watch

Every hour a secret compartment drops from this giant pocket watch, revealing a lovely surprise.
Melbourne, Australia

AC/DC Lane

A colorful street named for the legendary Australian rock band.
North Fremantle, Australia

Dingo Flour Sign

Visible from both land and sea.
Peach Springs, Arizona

Caverns Grotto

In a 345-million-year-old cave that's 200 feet underground, dinner awaits.
London, England

The Buried Remains of Little Compton Street

The signs of a long buried road can still be found hidden beneath a London sewer grate.
London, England

'Great Dangaroo Flood'

On a wall in linear London, a plaque hangs at the high water mark of one of the worst floods in fictional Kcymaerxthaereal times.
London, England

Goodwin's Court

An easily overlooked stretch of ornate window fronts and gaslight lamps that could be right from the pages of Dickens.
London, England

Black Cats of Carreras Cigarette Factory

Black cat statues guard this temple-like Egyptian revival factory.
London, England

Traffic Light Tree

A student driver's nightmare.
San Francisco, California

Museum of Russian Culture

Russian history in San Francisco.
San Francisco, California

Buena Vista Park Tombstones

Gold Rush-era tombstones line the park's paths.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Mystic Falls Park

This vintage animatronics show is the Vegas version of a walk through the woods.