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Places edited in Hallstatt, Austria
Places visited in Bordeaux, France
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Cheverny, France

Château de Cheverny

The opulent home that inspired Tintin's Marlinspike Hall and the adventures within.
Arles, France

Arles Amphitheatre

This ancient theater was once the home of fierce gladiatorial battles.
Les Baux-de-Provence, France

Carrières de Lumières

Walk through living pictures and music in the Cathedral of Images.
Colleville-sur-Mer, France

Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial

A memorial to the nearly 10,000 American soldiers laid to rest on the beaches of Normandy during WWII.
Paris, France

Fountain of Innocents

A 16th-century fountain marks the site of a lost medieval cemetery once filled with mass graves.
Paris, France

Pont de la Concorde

This bridge was constructed from the rubble of the infamous Bastille.
Paris, France

The Relics of St. Genevieve at St-Etienne-du-Mont

The remaining relics of the patroness of Paris lie in a chapel under a striking double spiral staircase.
Arles, France

Arles's Cryptoporticous

A unique underground structure dating back to the 1st century BC.
Paris, France

Montmartre Funicular

The water-powered carriages are long gone, but for over a century this funicular railway has been the fastest route to the highest point in Paris.
Paris, France

Napoleon's Angels

Twelve grave-faced marble angels guard the emperor's tomb at Les Invalides.
Strasbourg, France

Strasbourg Astronomical Clock

There has been an astronomical clock on this spot since the 14th century.
Lyon, France

Ancient Roman Theaters of Lyon

Lyon, France is home to two remarkably preserved Roman theaters, one dating back to 15 BCE.
Le Puy, France

Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe (St. Michael of the Needle)

A chapel on a volcanic core, marking the end of a successful journey.
Bordeaux, France

Miroir d'eau

The world's largest reflecting pool is just two centimeters deep.
Vers-Pont-du-Gard, France

Pont du Gard

This ancient Roman bridge and aqueduct still stands as a wonder of classical construction.
Amiens, France

The Head of St. John the Baptist at Amiens Cathedral

The encased skull that is widely believed to belong to St. John the Baptist.
Amboise, France

Leonardo da Vinci's Tomb

The great Italian Renaissance painter was laid to rest here in the Chapel of Saint-Hubert.
Lyon, France

Astronomical Clock of Lyon

For hundreds of years, automatons moving to metallic music have been marking the passage of time.
Nantes, France

Machines of the Isle of Nantes

Massive puppet-automaton machines created by French artist collective Machines de l’Ile.
Paris, France

Flame of Liberty

This life-size replica of the Statue of Liberty's flame is also a tribute to Princess Diana by default.
Carcassonne, France

La Cité Médiévale de Carcassonne

Historic medieval fortified city in southwest France.
Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, France

Saint-Paul de Mausole

The mental institution where Van Gogh created some of his most famous work now allows guests to walk in the artist's footsteps.
Paris, France

Sculptures de Décure

Exquisite wall sculptures carved in secret by an early quarryman in an obscure corner of the Paris Catacombs.
Giverny, France

Claude Monet House and Gardens

At Monet's beloved home you can still see the Japanese bridge, waterlilies, and weeping willows that were the subjects of some of his most iconic paintings.