Txpebbles111's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Roswell, New Mexico

International UFO Museum and Research Center

A museum dedicated to the alleged Roswell Incident.
Carlsbad, New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns

The second-largest cave chamber in the world was discovered in 1898 by a 16-year-old and a friend known as "Pothead."
Ponca City, Oklahoma

Pioneer Woman Statue

A larger-than-life monument to the overlooked women who braved Western expansion and broke down societal barriers.
Ponca City, Oklahoma

E.W. Marland Mansion

This ostentatious Italianate palace of an Oklahoma billionaire is filled with several themed mini-museums.
Houston, Texas

Houston Airport Subway

The only airport with a people mover system designed by Walt Disney Imagineering.
Houston, Texas

Downtown Houston Tunnel System

The largest underground pedestrian tunnel system in the U.S. mostly caters to the people working in the offices above, but provides a great, air-conditioned way to traverse the city.
Houston, Texas

Gerald D. Hines Waterwall Park

This small park features a monumental fountain wall, providing a great photo opportunity in the middle of Houston.
Huntsville, Texas

Sam Houston Statue

The world's tallest statue of an American hero.
Midland, Texas

The Petroleum Museum

The petroleum industry brings you the joys of hydrocarbons and largest collection of antique oil rigs in the world.
Rockport, Texas

The Big Tree

The tree is thought to be the oldest oak in Texas and was once crowned state champion for its monumental size.
Odessa, Texas

Stonehenge Replica

A collection of massive stacked rocks in Texas includes a snarky note on the benefits of modern technology.
Houston, Texas

National Museum of Funeral History

Fantastic collection celebrating the final send-off.