woodmaster8789's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ashbourne, England
Places visited in Leek, England
Places visited in Shildon, England
Places visited in Staffordshire, England
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Whitby, England

Whitby Wishing Chair

Legend says squeezing into this slender stone seat will make your wish come true.
London, England

Dinner by Heston Blumenthal

Historic cuisine meets fine dining in a hotel-restaurant overlooking Hyde Park.
Lincoln, England

Prison Chapel at Lincoln Castle

Inside this chapel, Victorian jailers took the separate system to new levels.
Poundbury, England


Before 1993, this historic-looking village—King Charles III's pet project—didn’t exist at all.
Windsor, England

'The Queen' Locomotive

A replica of the steam engine that hauled Queen Victoria's Royal Train is on display at Windsor.
Derby, England

Hanson Log Boat

This Bronze Age boat was found buried remarkably intact in an English gravel pit.
Tissington, England

Derbyshire Well Dressing

The tradition of using flowers to decorate wells is once again thriving in England.
Sheffield, England

The Green Police Box

This police call box harkens back to an era of pre-radio communications, and has a rather unique feature.
Ravenscar, England

Peak Alum Works

At the height of alum production at this factory, human urine was a valued commodity.
Cromford, England

Cromford Mill

The world's first successful water-powered cotton mill paved the way for the factories of the British Industrial Revolution.
Weston-super-Mare, England

The Helicopter Museum

The world's largest museum devoted solely to the whirlybird comes complete with its own chopper graveyard.
Sheffield, England

Women of Steel

A tribute to the women who quietly kept the local steelworks alive during both world wars.
Nottinghamshire, England

1960s Hyperbolic Paraboloid Gas Station Canopy

One of the earliest large-scale "hyper" roofs in the U.K. is now a derelict roadside attraction.
Bude, England

Bude Castle

A quirky "castle" formerly belonging to a famous British inventor.
Coventry, England

Ford's Hospital

For over 500 years this timbered alms house has provided a home for elderly residents of Coventry.
Matlock Bath, England

Matlock Bath

A seaside town with no sea in sight.
Ashbourne, England

Dovedale Stepping Stones

These quintessentially English stepping stones were built for Victorian tourists.
Cornwall, England

Goonhilly Earth Station

Arthur, Merlin, and Guinevere are among the largest and oldest satellite dishes on the planet.
Darlington, England

Brick Train

A locomotive made from 185,000 bricks celebrates the town's pioneering railway history.
Clovelly, England

The Sledges of Clovelly

Wooden sleds have replaced donkeys to cart goods around this utterly charming car-free village.
Whitby, England

199 Steps Coffin Benches

These planks were originally installed to hold the dead.
Castleton, England

Peak Cavern's Rope Factory

Some of England's last cave dwellers lived and worked within this huge cave.
Whitby, England

Fortune's Smokehouse

This tiny traditional smokehouse is the only one left in this historic fishing port.
Staffordshire, England

The Hanbury Crater

The site of one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history, created when a massive bomb dump accidentally exploded.