gabeandyuri's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ponce Inlet, Florida

The Green Mound

One of the largest Native American shell middens stands 30 feet tall.
Palm Beach, Florida

Coral Cut

This spooky road cut through a mound of ancient coral might be haunted by a witch.
DeLand, Florida

Hontoon Island Owl Totem

The only ancient owl carving found east of the Mississippi.
Ocala, Florida

Gypsy Gold Horse Farm

Visit these gentle, bell-bottomed, exquisite equines at the home of North America's first Gypsy Vanner horses.
Tallahassee, Florida

Lichgate on High Road

This fairytale-inspired cottage was created by a university literature professor.
Atlanta, Georgia

The Wren’s Nest

The home of a 19th-century author who brought African-American folktales to the mainstream is now Atlanta’s oldest house museum.
Atlanta, Georgia

The Consulate

No passport is required to eat around the world at this elegant restaurant.
Atlanta, Georgia

The 747 Experience

One-of-a-kind museum inside the first Boeing 747-400 ever made.
Sofia, Bulgaria

Statue of Sveta Sofia

"Holy Wisdom" overlooks the city that became its namesake.
Los Angeles, California

The Silent Movie Theater

The last of its kind in the country.
Los Angeles, California

Rosenheim Mansion

This grand mansion has starred in everything from Bones to Buffy.
Phoenix, Arizona

Camelback Mountain

A geological mystery on Camelback Mountain.
Jaipur, India

Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds)

The 953 windows undoubtedly make this the world's most beautiful screened porch.
Jaipur, India

Hanuman’s Temple

Sacred Indian temple that’s all monkey business.
New Delhi, India

Iron Pillar of Delhi

An ancient iron pillar in Delhi that seems to be rustproof.

Gardens by the Bay

Singapore's landscaping project is home to 18 incredible Supertrees.

Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

This rare wildlife haven in Singapore feels like you're in the tropical rainforest.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Ho Chi Minh's perfectly preserved body has been on display here since 1975.
Los Angeles, California

William Andrews Clark Memorial Library

"The greatest unknown literary treasure in Los Angeles."
Los Angeles, California

Wells Fargo History Museum

Hidden in one of the skyscrapers on Bunker Hill, this museum features an 1895 stagecoach and peers into California’s gold-lined history.
Las Vegas, Nevada

Atomic Liquors

Back in 1952, you could get a mushroom cloud chaser with your atomic cocktail.
San Diego, California

Pearl of the Pacific

An ode to the friendship between four Pacific Rim countries.