toscosf's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fort Dodge, Iowa

The "Real" Cardiff Giant

Hidden in the grounds of the Fort Dodge Museum is a "real" and terrifying petrified giant.
Mount Carroll, Illinois

Raven's Grin Inn

Former hotel turned into haunted playground.
Oregon, Illinois

Black Hawk Statue

This monolithic statue was erected in honor of Chief Black Hawk (even if it wasn't made to look like him).
Ruth, Nevada

Garnet Hill Rockhound Area

Rich red almandine gemstones are waiting inside the volcanic rock strewn across this eastern Nevada hillside.
Austin, Nevada

Nevada State Route 722

US-50 in Nevada is known as "the Loneliest Road in America," but this earlier iteration of the route is even lonelier.
San Francisco, California

John McLaren Statue

The legendary statue-hating superintendent of Golden Gate Park is honored with... a statue.
Hurricane, Utah

Zion–Mount Carmel Tunnel

A tunnel with windows, so you don't miss out on the impressive views.
San Francisco, California

1852 South Beach Shoreline

The original place where water met land in the City by the Bay is outlined in brass.
San Francisco, California

Doggie Diner Head

This grinning pup statue is all that's left of what was once a ubiquitous Bay Area diner chain.
Shingleton, Michigan

Chapel Rock

This lone tree and dramatic sandstone outcropping are so beloved by Michiganders they can be found on one of the state’s coins.
Tonopah, Nevada

The Mizpah Hotel

In the middle of a remote desert town is a surprisingly opulent hotel.
Austin, Nevada

Stokes Castle

This railroad magnate's 19th century tower is more than a little bit out of place in the Nevada desert.
Austin, Nevada

U.S. Route 50

Officially named the "Loneliest Road in America," this barren stretch of Nevada road offers almost nothing but sky and open fields.
Hinckley, Utah

Delta Solar Ruins

A shady solar power system that couldn't hold up to the harsh desert conditions.
Hanksville, Utah

Mars Desert Research Station

A Mars simulation in the southern Utah desert.
Tonopah, Nevada

Lunar Crater

This massive crater in the middle of nowhere was used to train astronauts for moon landings.
Esmeralda County, Nevada

Coaldale, Nevada

This tiny cluster of abandoned buildings looks like the future of the ghost town - today!
Green River, Utah

Goblin Valley State Park

Bizarre lunar-like landscape with thousands of large stone "hoodoos."
Rangely, Colorado

The TANK Center For Sonic Arts

Metal water storage tank turned ethereal concert hall.
Tonopah, Nevada

Clown Motel

Oh, just a motel on the edge of the desert decorated with thousands of clowns conveniently located next to an abandoned graveyard.