TomyBahn's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Valletta, Malta

Valletta Tunnels

A centuries-old forgotten underworld lies beneath Malta.
Valletta, Malta

Casa Rocca Piccola

Dynastic Home of the De Piro Family.
Valletta, Malta

Church of St. Paul's Shipwreck

This church is named for one of the most dramatic tales in the early Christian church.
Duzluk, Croatia

Ružica Grad

Legend has it fairies gathered at the site of this medieval castle.
Monduli, Tanzania

Engaruka Ruins

The culture that built these Tanzanian ruins displayed advanced knowledge of irrigation technology before mysteriously disappearing.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

The House of Wonders

In Zanzibar, a historic 19th-century palace is a reminder of the world's shortest war.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

Tippu Tip's House

This slowly crumbling mansion was home to one of East Africa's richest and most powerful slave traders.
Ngorongoro, Tanzania

Shifting Sand Dunes

These strange piles of magnetized volcanic ash travel across the desert about 50 feet per year.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

Mercury House

Freddie Mercury's childhood home is now a monument to the iconic Queen rockstar.
Zanzibar, Tanzania

Zanzibar's Night Market

After sunset the heart of Zanzibar's historic Stone Town neighborhood transforms into a culinary playground.
Ngorongoro, Tanzania

Laetoli Footprints

Human ancestor’s 3.6 million year-old footprints.
Ngorongoro, Tanzania

Ol Doinyo Lengai

This rare volcano spews the strangest and (literally) coolest lava in the world.
Monduli, Tanzania

Lake Natron

A salty red wasteland in Tanzania is a breeding spot for endangered flamingos.
Paarl, South Africa

The Goat Tower of Fairview Cheese & Wine Farm

The original goat tower, the one that started it all.
Johannesburg, South Africa

‘The Shadow Boxer’ at Chancellor House

A large-scale steel sculpture entitled 'The Shadow Boxer' pays tribute to Nelson Mandela.
Cape Town, South Africa

'IiNkwenkwezi eziPhahlileyo' ('The Stars Beside')

Many generations ago, it was said that one could find celestial splendor in a lush meadow not far from this very marker according to the lore of the fictional world Kcymaerxthaere.
Johannesburg, South Africa

Satyagraha House

The home of Mahatma Gandhi during part of the 21 years he spent living in South Africa is now a guest house.
Cape Town, South Africa

Foreshore Freeway Bridge

Despite many attempts to finish this overpass, it has been abandoned since the 1970s.
Cape Town, South Africa

BOS 400 Shipwreck

The haunting beauty of this little-visited wreck makes it a true hidden treasure.
Cape Town, South Africa

Chapman's Peak Drive

This road winds through the steep coastal cliffside offering spectacular views for those who brave the drive.
Johannesburg, South Africa

Museum of Man and Science

A supply store for traditional healers, this shop sells the hair of a dog--and its skin, skeleton, and reproductive organs, too.
Johannesburg, South Africa

Top of Africa

One of the tallest buildings in Africa provides a great view of Johannesburg's unique geography.
L'Agulhas, South Africa

Cape Agulhas Marker

This small monument marks the divide between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans at the southernmost tip of Africa.
Soweto, South Africa

Orlando Towers

Two giant painted cooling towers make for one of the world’s most epic bungee jumps.