The Alethiometrists's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Bryson City, North Carolina

The Road to Nowhere

This road in the Great Smoky Mountains was supposed to assuage a displaced community, but ended up a $52 million dead end.
Charlotte, North Carolina

David Černý's Metalmorphosis

A psychological self-portrait in the form of a giant, segmented head.
Moncton, New Brunswick

Moncton Magnetic Hill

A mysterious spot where the laws of gravity seem not to apply.
Barcelona, Spain

Casa Batlló

One of Antoni Gaudí's most classic buildings is well-known for its "dragon-back" design.
Barcelona, Spain

Sagrada Família

Construction of Barcelona's iconic (but controversial) church is expected to be completed in 2026—a century after the death of its architect.
Rouen, France

King Richard I's Embalmed Heart

His "Lionheart" is entombed separately from the rest of his body.
Paris, France

Catacombes de Paris

The vast, legendary catacombs hold secrets much stranger than stacked bones.
Blackpool, England

Comedy Carpet

A typographic tribute to the many comedic greats who make Great Britain laugh.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Church Brew Works

A restored Pittsburgh house of God has been converted to a marvelous house of suds.
Clayton, Georgia

"Eye of God" Rapid, Chattooga River

A curious whirlpool formation supposedly capable of entangling or engulfing branches, tree trunks, or whole rafts full of hapless tourists.
Seattle, Washington

World Famous Giant Shoe Museum

An old-timey peepshow allows visitors to gawk at some of the world's most freakishly large footwear.
Seattle, Washington

Gum Wall

A wall of chewing gum moonlights as collective art.
Bath, England

Sham Castle

Don't be fooled by this fake medieval facade even if it is almost 300 years old.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas

The 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa

This haunted hotel built on natural springs once served as a hospital for a quack doctor promising a cure for cancer.
San Francisco, California

Ruins of the Sutro Baths

The seawater playground of gilded-era San Francisco burned to the ground in 1966.
Vancouver, British Columbia

'Girl in a Wetsuit'

What happens when a sculptor has to find a way around a 100-year-old copyright.
Vancouver, British Columbia

Gastown Steam Clock

A working steam clock, one of only a few in the world, located in Vancouver's Victorian Gastown.
West Dunbartonshire, Scotland

Loch Lomond

Largest lake in Great Britain measured by surface area.
Wiltshire, England


The largest stone circle in the world has ended up bringing up more questions than it has answered.
Centreville, Virginia


Exact replica of the ancient monument, but much, much lighter.
Cleveland Heights, Ohio

James A. Garfield's Memorial and Tomb

The only presidential monument to display a late POTUS's actual casket.
Bear Creek, North Carolina

Devil's Tramping Ground

A 120-year-old legend concerning an empty circular patch in the North Carolina woods.
Sanford, North Carolina

Endor Iron Furnace

Ruins of an American Civil War iron forge still survive today.