nirolinohelwig's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Luang Prabang, Laos

Tham Sakkarin Savannakuha

Abandoned limestone cave was once a sacred place of worship.
Saywun, Yemen

Sultan Al Kathiri Palace

One of the largest mud-brick structures in the world.
Krong Kaeb, Cambodia

King Sihanouk's Seaside Palace

A palace destined to never house a king.
Panaji, India

Maruti Temple

An iconic temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman resides atop a hill in the heart of Panaji.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Ho Chi Minh's perfectly preserved body has been on display here since 1975.
Neißeaue, Germany

Kulturinsel Einsiedel

A massive playground in the woods of Germany.
Berlin, Germany

Unité d'Habitation of Berlin

After local authorities changed the design, the building's architect, Le Corbusier, wanted nothing to do with it.
Sydney, Australia

Mrs. Macquarie’s Chair

A 19th-century perch for spotting sailing ships now boasts one of the most iconic views in the Southern Hemisphere.
Wilmington, Australia

Alligator Gorge

The evolution of a simple creek cutting its way through an ochre mountain side.
Alvie, Australia

Red Rock

One of the youngest volcanic eruption sites in Australia.
Raymond Island, Australia

Raymond Island Koala Trail

This area was created to save the region's koala population.
The Caves, Australia

Capricorn Caves

A wonder of natural limestone formations etched by millions of years of natural interaction between rainfall and rock and air.
Kaputar, Australia

Giant Pink Slugs of Mount Kaputar

The unique ecosystem atop an Australian mountain is home to some colorful inhabitants.
San José de Gracia, Mexico

Santuario del Cristo Roto (Sanctuary of the Broken Christ)

On a picturesque lake island, a massive, “broken” crucifixion has become a popular pilgrimage destination.
Agra, India

John Hessing's Tomb

Also known as the "Red Taj Mahal."
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Nhớ Tuyết

For a taste of Vietnamese gastropub culture, look no further than this convivial seafood joint that stays open till midnight.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Bún Riêu Gánh

This crab paste noodle soup specialist has been doling out its namesake dish for more than four decades.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Cơm Tấm Nguyễn Văn Cừ

Vietnam’s everyman “broken rice” dish is given one major upgrade at this humble institution.
Thành phố Buôn Ma Thuột, Vietnam

The World Coffee Museum

Drink and learn at this striking ode to coffee culture and history.
Hanoi, Vietnam

Anthony Bourdain and Barack Obama's Dinner Table

The spot where the two men ate together now stands enclosed in glass.