lauraefusillo2's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Étretat, France

Monument L'Oiseau Blanc

In 1927, a biplane disappeared while attempting to complete the first non-stop transatlantic flight between Paris and New York City. This memorial stands at the last place it was seen.
Liverpool, England

Prince Rupert's Tower

This abandoned lock-up was saved because of its connection to a local football team.
Liverpool, England

The Calderstones

Six neolithic sandstone boulders remaining from a dolmen.
Liverpool, England

Western Approaches Museum

The grand complex of buildings that comprise Liverpool's Exchange Flags includes a vast World War II bunker that has been frozen in time.
Liverpool, England


Created as a punny statement about genetic engineering this monstrous hybrid statue has become a beloved icon.
Liverpool, England

Liverpool Central Library Entrance Riddle

The red letters in the literary pavement leading to the library form a mysterious code.
Liverpool, England

The Archer Stone

Prehistoric sandstone menhir with Early Bronze Age cup and ring markings, also known as Robin Hood's Stone.
Liverpool, England

William MacKenzie's Tomb

Pyramid shaped monument with a tall tale attached.
Liverpool, England

The Law Oak

A thousand year old oak tree survives in Liverpool.
Liverpool, England

Eleanor Rigby's Grave

What do we know about the real woman behind one of the Beatles' most famous songs?
Liverpool, England

Church of St. Luke, Liverpool

Gutted during the Liverpool Blitz, this architectural husk has been left destroyed in honor of the dead.
Liverpool, England

Williamson Tunnels

19th century tunnels burrowed under Liverpool.
Liverpool, England

Penny Lane

The Liverpool street made famous by the Beatles is real.
Liverpool, England

Strawberry Field

The quiet field that inspired one of the most famous songs of all time.