madkatgest's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Detroit, Michigan

Michigan Theatre

Opulent downtown movie theater now houses cars as an indoor parking garage.
Detroit, Michigan

Monumental Kitty

This feline raises a friendly paw at drivers barreling toward the freeway.
Detroit, Michigan

Guardian Building Art Deco Lobby

To truly appreciate Detroit's landmark skyscraper, you have to step inside.
Ann Arbor, Michigan

'Villa of the Mysteries' Replica

A watercolor recreation of a famous fresco unearthed at Pompeii.
St. Augustine, Florida

Old Spanish Chimney & Well

These ruins are all that remain of what a Spanish barrack that likely housed a quarry overseer, masons, and stone cutters involved in the construction of the Castillo de San Marco.
St. Augustine, Florida

Monson Steps

The site of Martin Luther King Jr.'s arrest as he attempted to have lunch.
St. Augustine, Florida

Andrew Young Crossing

Bronze footprints mark the path where a civil rights leader tried to march in peaceful protest before being knocked unconscious.
St. Augustine, Florida

Pinehurst and San Sebastian Cemeteries

The graves in Florida's oldest Black cemeteries are marked with shells, stones, and mementos of the deceased.
St. Augustine, Florida

Prince Road Container House

Built to replace a house destroyed by a hurricane, this home is made entirely of shipping containers.
St. Augustine, Florida

Sacred Cat Rug

Possibly the world's oldest rug, this Egyptian relic is woven entirely from ancient cat hair and once carried a mummified human foot.
St. Augustine, Florida

Dungeon Under the Stairs at the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse

It's a pretty creepy lock-up.
St. Augustine, Florida

Castle Otttis

Two men built this castle on the Florida coast as an artistic “landscape sculpture.”
Savannah, Georgia

Sears Mishap House Myth

Local myth claims this is a Sears catalogue home with its windows installed upside-down.
Savannah, Georgia

Lucas Theatre

The first public building in Savannah to offer air conditioning was a luxurious cinema that still operates today.
Savannah, Georgia

Abe's on Lincoln

This bar hosts an ever-evolving napkin art installation devoted to an American president.
New Delhi, India

Jamali Kamali Mosque and Tomb

Visit a haunted Mughal mosque and the tomb of a Sufi saint and his disciple.
New Delhi, India

Tomb of Balban

An unassuming tomb houses an important milestone in Indian architectural history.
New Delhi, India

Sunderwala Burj

This beautiful 16th-century necropolis marks an astonishing feat in heritage conservation.
New Delhi, India

Khari Baoli Rooftop

The roof of one of the world’s largest spice markets provides a grand view over the neighborhood's glorious bustle.
New Delhi, India

Iron Pillar of Delhi

An ancient iron pillar in Delhi that seems to be rustproof.
New Delhi, India

Lodhi Art District

India's first open-air public art district sits in the heart of the country's capital.
New Delhi, India

Lothian Cemetery

Delhi's oldest Christian cemetery is also said to be one of the most haunted in the region.
New Delhi, India

Bijay Mandal

This ruined relic of the medieval city of Jahanpanah is a quiet oasis in the middle of New Delhi.
New Delhi, India

Hijron ka Khanqah

This hidden Sufi cemetery is a spiritual monument for India's third gender community.