BritneyBananas's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Portland, Oregon

Woodstock Mystery Hole

Beyond being incredibly fun, not much can be said about the Hole with certitude.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Freetown Christiania

Danish tourist destination well known for open stalls where vendors sell marijuana on the street.
Barcelona, Spain

Hash Marijuana & Hemp Museum Barcelona

A stately palace has been converted into the world's largest cannabis museum.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Hash, Marijuana and Hemp Museum

The history and future of cannabis.
Stratton, Colorado

419.99 Mile Marker

When zealous marijuana enthusiasts kept stealing the "Mile 420" highway marker, the State of Colorado got creative.
Oxford, Mississippi

University of Mississippi Marijuana Research Project

This university research project is the U.S. government's weed dealer.
San Rafael, California

420 Louis Pasteur Statue

Of all the origin stories for weed's secret code, this one likely has the goods.
South Pasadena, California

Cawston Ostrich Farm

The most popular attraction in Southern California was once a flock of ornery bipedal birds that pulled carts.
Culver City, California

The Museum of Jurassic Technology

A modern day curiosity cabinet.
Los Angeles, California

Bob Baker Marionette Theater

Historic marionette theater features thousands of handmade puppets and free cups of ice cream.
Los Angeles, California

Janis Joplin’s Hotel Room

The hotel room where Janis Joplin tragically died has now become a makeshift shrine to the singer.
Los Angeles, California

Underground Tunnels of Los Angeles

During prohibition, corrupt city officials ran drinking dens under the streets of Downtown Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California

Pink's Hot Dogs

World-famous, Pink's still manages to keep its prized cult fetish status.
Los Angeles, California

Peace Awareness Labyrinth and Gardens

A spiritual retreat in the heart of Los Angeles offers stunning gardens and a labyrinth to lose yourself in.
Los Angeles, California

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum

A look into the Church of Scientology's deeply unfavorable view of psychiatry.
Los Angeles, California

Aetherius Society's American Headquarters

"Prepare yourself! You are to become the voice of Interplanetary Parliament."
Los Angeles, California

The Echo Park Time Travel Mart

Non-profit time travel mart sells goods you would need for a trip through the fourth dimension.
Eden, New York

Original American Kazoo Company

This two-room factory has been cranking out the musical signifier of zaniness for a century.
Rochester, New York

Rochester Abandoned Subway

The remains of a failed subway in upstate New York is now an underground graffiti bunker.
Rochester, New York


The floor-to-ceiling collection in an old factory is a unique alternative to stuffy galleries.