Abandoned Salt Mine - Atlas Obscura

Abandoned Salt Mine

Isla del Carmen, Mexico

This rural island is home to the ghost town of what used to be the world’s biggest salt mine.  

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Located on an uninhabited desert island in the Gulf of California and only accessible by a two-hour boat ride from Loreto, this is the site of what used to be a massive salt mine and pink salt lake. Along the seashore are the dilapidated remains of a pier, a partially submerged ship’s hull, a crumbling stone lighthouse, standing ruins of a bank, offices, a silo,  a schoolhouse, and a small restored church.

The buildings contain some of the original items used when the mine was in operation. All the buildings are constructed using coral as their base. Further inland in the Bahia Salinas area is a pink salt lake surrounded by rusting tractors and bulldozers. 

Know Before You Go

This is a two-hour boat ride from Loreto. 

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December 19, 2023

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