Emmaus Mosaic Mural – Emmaus, Pennsylvania - Atlas Obscura

Emmaus Mosaic Mural

A fascinating community art piece created by students, teachers, and noted Philadelphia artist Isaiah Zagar. 

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When educators from the East Penn School District traveled to Philadelphia in 2012, they visited noted mosaic artist Isaiah Zagar’s Magic Gardens installation. The intricate mosaic artwork inspired these educators to create their own mosaic. They contacted Zagar, who generously worked together with local students and teachers to coordinate and create a mosaic abstraction of a map of the Emmaus community.

The final result is a stunning community art piece, in the style of Isaiah Zagar, that was installed in 2015 on the exterior of the Emmaus Public Library rotunda. The library grounds also host a myriad of other artwork and sculptures, in a welcoming public setting.

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January 12, 2022

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