The Grundhauser Hero Lending Library – Brooklyn, New York - Atlas Obscura

AO Edited

The Grundhauser Hero Lending Library

Twenty Sided Store

"Leave a He-Man, Take a Transformer" and share a story about your real-life superhero. 


As he moves on to pursue his dreams at a major superhero franchise, his colleagues at Atlas Obscura wanted to celebrate Eric’s service and show their love and appreciation for him. In his honor, they have created the Grundhauser Hero Lending Library.

Located inside of Brooklyn’s Twenty Sided Store, a tabletop gaming shop beloved by Eric, the Grundhauser Hero Library is a shrine not just to the heroes of comic books but to the real-life heroes who inspire us. Visitors are invited to share stories and miniature figurines, post photos and poems — anything that will honor the heroes in their lives. Feeling disheartened? News got you down? Come find inspiration from the real hero tales your neighbors have shared within your community.

In addition, the library features a “need a hero, share a hero” shelf where visitors are encouraged to donate gently loved miniature hero figurines to those who could use a hero in their life. Retire the superhero action figures and D&D minis that have served you well.

Visit the library and share a story of a hero that inspires you. 

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August 1, 2022

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