brandapeebles's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Plymouth, Massachusetts

Pilgrim Hall Museum

This museum shines a light on the true Pilgrim experience in North America.
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

The Hebert Candy Mansion

This Tudor-style mansion is home to the first roadside confectioner in the United States.
Mansfield, Connecticut

Epiphyte Tree

An artificial tree in the University of Connecticut greenhouses holds a collection of orchids, mosses, and other tropical epiphytic plants.
Walpole, Massachusetts

Bird Memorial Clock Tower

This clock tower is all that remains of Bird Hall, constructed by one of the founding families of this Massachusetts town.
Montauk, New York

Camp Hero

A mysterious air force base built to resemble a Long Island fishing village.
Franklin, Massachusetts

Franklin Public Library

America's first public lending library began with a gift from Benjamin Franklin.
New Shoreham, Rhode Island

Southeast Lighthouse

An architecturally unique lighthouse that had to be lifted up and moved to avoid falling in the sea.
Fairhaven, Massachusetts

Millicent Library

Some big-name visitors have patronized this small-town library named for an oil man's daughter.
Fairhaven, Massachusetts

Fairhaven High School

A castle on a hill once named "the most beautiful high school in Massachusetts."
Westerly, Rhode Island

Flying Horse Carousel

One of the oldest carousels in the United States is still running in the coastal village of Watch Hill.
Providence, Rhode Island

Providence Biltmore

Rumors of the occult haunt this upscale 1920s hotel.
Charlestown, Rhode Island

The Fantastic Umbrella Factory

250-year-old farm now features sculptures, a petting zoo and a hippy-bazaar.
Newport, Rhode Island

Hidden Train in a Cherub Relief

An unexpected Easter egg lurks in the background of a cherub wall relief at the Breakers mansion.
Jamestown, Rhode Island

Fort Wetherill

Abandoned Coast Artillery fort now serves as a graffiti canvas and sightseeing vantage point.
Newport, Rhode Island

Rose Island Lighthouse

You can spend the night as an honorary lighthouse keeper in this quaint, historic beacon.
Boston, Massachusetts

King's Chapel Crypt

A more than 260-year-old crypt built on Boston's oldest English burial ground.
Boston, Massachusetts

Boston Liberty Tree

The former site of an all-but-forgotten colonial landmark is now remembered by an often overlooked bas relief.
Boston, Massachusetts

FAO Schwarz Teddy Bear Sculpture

A gift to the children of Boston, this bronze bear represents playfulness, a spirit of love, and the warmth of big hugs.
Boston, Massachusetts

George Middleton House

Historic home of a Black veteran of the American Revolution and one of the earliest civil rights activists in the United States.
Boston, Massachusetts

The Liberty Hotel

A luxury hotel constructed out of a former jail.
Boston, Massachusetts

First Spiritualist Temple

America's original house of worship for Spiritualism, the religious movement based on communing with the dead.
Dedham, Massachusetts

Largemouth Bass Sculpture

This art display in Dedham honors a local fish, and is dedicated to the volunteers who restored the canal.
Somerville, Massachusetts

Prospect Hill Tower

This tower commemorates the spot where George Washington hoisted the Grand Union flag.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Kennedy Biscuit Lofts

Whimsical cookie-themed plaques mark the birthplace of the Fig Newton.